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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. what do you mean? the gift is told beforehand. its not favoritism

    though, the only real concern for this, is that its too similar to holocaust day or the crit game; the game is purely based on luck, but then again - majority of the games we play are randomized,


    dispensers are allowed, confirmed by muffin

    Could some would describe what Gift Game is? I've just heard of this now


    >warden type a gift beforehand into team chat.

    >warden types a question

    >reds answer

    >red who answered correctly gets to keep or pass the gift

    gift can vary of course ex. death, lr, etc.


    not sure about if sentries are allowed on war days.


    sentries are allowed, confirmed by kbrasszle


  2. alright,

    question time, yaya.. so fun, right? @kbraszzz


    if you havent seen the previous thread of pt. 1 <

    we'll separate these into parts, makes answering them a lot easier. :l


    a. so according to muffin, death run all day or anything of the such is counted as 2 LRs, expect freedays, wardays and hide'n'seek of course.

    are we allowed to give LRs such as, death run first game? i don't see any reason why that shouldn't be allowed

    b.if LR is a freeday, does that mean the warden can do it any time during the day as long as its not with less than 5?

    i personally think this is stupid as hell if allowed. freeday suggest the entire day,

    c. warday and hide n seek day, do they actually need to be called at the beginning of the round? or can they be played during the round.

    also - can kbrasszle or nomulous just confirm that we are allowed to build sentries on wardays?

    according to speed, we are allowed; just need confirmation

    d. hide and seek allowed to be called back? meaning after hide n seek is called, warden can still give orders such as "go back to the yellow line".

    during hide and seek day, blues are allowed to reenter to check for reds. correct or not?

    >hide n seek is called

    >warden dies

    >no other warden takes over

    >states freeday at the bottom

    still a hide and seek or freeday? same with wardays?



    so, warden gives an order before cell doors are opened and says - "all rebels go to the red line, afk freeze". now i understand this isn't tarp, basic listening skills - but does this imply all non-rebels stay inside cells?

    usually, out of cell rebel limits everywhere outside of cell doors; meaning anyone who comes out is a rebel.

    but "all rebels go to the red line, afk freeze" implys the only place off limit is the red line.

    reds can go anywhere other than the red line till another order is given?

    b. "The warden must call an order (any order) before the cell doors open." -MOTD

    so technically, any order can be given before cell doors are opened, so eg.

    - warden doesn't state out of cell rebel

    - warden calls mic check

    - orders blues to use mic

    6:50, not a freeday? as orders has been given.

    if true, does this also mean reds can go anywhere until told otherwise?

    old warden dies after giving the order "go to yellow line, wasd freeze"

    new warden takes over, doesn't give any order as he doesn't realise hes the new warden

    does it imply the previous orders or can reds do whatever they want till new warden gives an order.

    - clarification: warden has 15 seconds to talk on mic, doesn't necessarily need to give an order within 15 seconds; so stop spamming freeday if he doesn't give an order.


    3) tarping

    >reds are in death run

    >warden says first one through this trap lives

    >one mighty red runs

    >warden hits button anyway

    so, is this tarping? i understand the meaning of tarping is tricking people in rebelling

    but rebelling equals death - it carrys the same concept, you're lying to a red to cause them to die.

    is this allowed?

    b. matsi pointed out that, blues shouldn't tarp despite being warden or not.

    true or false?

    it does state no tarping under the "wardening" section.


    4) first reaction / last reaction

    on my previous thread, muffin had stated that the game cannot be played under 3 reds, yet people continue to do so.

    but because muffin has stepped down, id like to hear kbrasszle's thoughts on this.

    if not allowed, can you please add to MOTD.

    b. FR/LR is reaction games, so orders such as "jump for LR" is not allowed with less than 3?

    what about games such as,

    first one to jump... dies or last one to jump... lives

    c. team killing on blue, "do not team kill at anytime" - what if, an idiotic blue jumps into eg four corners then leads the warden to "team kill".

    the warden will be slain?

    d. "Last Blu MUST let the reds out."

    a red locks himself in, eg fall game. last blue will be slain?

    seems a little silly to me.



    warden orders red to firstly out of cell rebel, then he orders them to go yellow line, wasd freeze FACING CELLS.

    aye or nay?

    "Restrictions: As a warden, you can restrict the reds from doing certain things. You can do this as long as it doesn't interfere with one of your orders and you don't go overboard with them. Ex - Restricting freelooking during a WASD freeze is not allowed, it defeats the purpose of the order."

    this seems simple enough right? no wasd facing cells, but a thread posted by Mr. Fink ended with muffin stating that wasd facing cells is fine because you are still allowed to look in the general direction of cells. yes or no?

    thread is linked here.

    mods don't seem to allow it wasd facing cells however as it contradicts the order

    b. last red alive, gets LR; his LR is to kill all blues with the saxxy

    but once activating saxxy challenge, his LR is now the saxxy challenge cancelling the first LR?


    just a quick mention, if warden deny LR and then calls freeday.

    he can still be slain for denying LR, and so can his accompanying blues.


    tl;dr: OP is a total nub for not knowing the rulez.

  3. @Origins

    reject posted this thread concerning the amount of mods during that time,

    >reject is active during that time

    >problem solved


    dealing with people who don't understand english?

    break any of the rules because they dont understand english, then ban.

    • English only

    not enough mods on during that time to ban them?

    bringing it full circle, reject is mod now.


    rule breakers during european times?

    reject is mod now, horay!

  4. this is why we shouldn't let people rename actions. (when I asked nomulous, he said it was fine as we usually do it.)

    he renamed the action crouch walk to the yelllow line to the word "go", people intentionally do this to trick people into rebelling. :l


    it fixes all the confusion
