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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. I agree, Removing scouts from Deathrun would solve all of the issues on that server of late. That includes cheating, using bonk atomic punch to get past some traps, and the damn guillotines. +1
  2. Tbh, Iceslice, I don't see why you would want to be in xG after all the shit that happened on it's forums tho. :shakefist:
  3. foggin 'ell mang.
    1. Stence


      thats som bollox m8
  4. No tux (-̮̮-)
  5. Fite me (╹◡╹)凸
    1. Marceline


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    2. Haruka


      Meet me at Pax. Lets go.
  6. ∩ (︶‿︶) ∩ Holla.
  7. Jay wudduh fug yo you blew up my face.
  8. Don't see why someone would consider this a "clan" but... I left the "steam group" a while ago. +1
  9. He's matured a bit more. give em a chance. +1
  10. Active on alot of the servers.+1
  11. Litterally Screeches in the mic. He is a douche to most people on the server. Has a little group of buttbuddies who tag along with him and cause trouble. I have had to slay him a few times for spamming for warden on jailbreak. Basically He's generally a nuisance and I get way to many complaints from multiple people about him. I would ban him myself but honestly feel the community should have a say in these sort of things.
  12. Gwoash is a bum, this kid does know the rules and is the shiz. +1
  13. Very active, knows the rules, he's also a "cool kid":hellraiser:+1
  14. Totes sounds like Snape. +1 Oh and knows the rules and is very active.
  15. Thank you! Lookin forward to servin everyone :duckiijr: Steam Community :: xG:M|Goblin Steam id = STEAM_0:1:30493728
  16. Going Hard this weekend. >:I
    1. ItsRz


      Going Soft this evening. |:<
  17. I'm Ugly and I'm not Impressed.
    1. Marceline


      Ur sexy and I'm proud ;3
  18. +1 Such a Nice guy, knows the rules even.
  19. +1 Very active, Very Trustworthy, and very Kindspoken.