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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Goblin

    Rip In Peace #sng

    ( ಠ◡ಠ ) Who cayurs
  2. Gooch. I agree, Can wee get more ladies up in hurr tuhnite?
  3. ( ಠ◡ಠ ) Gub be climbing in your windows.
  4. Buying a prom tux is harder than I thought . _ .'
    1. Haruka


      Next hardest thing: Weeding tux. huehuehueh #LetsGetMarreidMom
    2. Goblin


    3. Haruka


      Much too spooky
  5. Goblin

    Pick Up Lines

    "Hey momma, did you sit in some sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass". "Hey Baby, thats a nice shirt, it'd look even better crumppled up at the foot of my bed tommorrow morning". "Girl, was your father a baker? Cause you got a nice set of buns". "Girl, will you take me home? Cause odds are you'll give me dome". "Hey, don't look at me that way. I'm not staring at your tits, I'm staring at your heart". -Gub Quotes :troll:
  6. Btw @kbraszzz @Nomulous lots of people have had problems like this where they couldn't join certain servers because the motd would crash their game once they joined.
  7. Its done that to me before. Its probably the motd. Go into a random tf2 server and type "cl_disablehtmlmotd 1" (in the console) then try joining again.
  8. yeh, shuddup. I know I just poosted a sheitty Thread about mud entrance music but eyh. What du you guys think about getting the /mm custom skin plugin for the Servers? (if you don't know what that is…. its the thing that allows you to have a custom skin such as fem pryro or link as sniper). P.S. Flair Wants you to go to bed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeO1PxwEr8Q
  9. Anal Catastrophe. ( ಠ◡ಠ )
  10. Bleed's vote doesn't count cuz he's a fatty acid.:troll:
  11. Plug-in that plays a custom small stinger or clip of music when a mod/admin/dm/dl enters a server such as the trade servers, deathrun, or hale. Mod/Admin can pick their own moosic slash sound. (Not that this is a High priority just would be cool.)
  12. Been on the server with him, he seems to be rather quaint and polit for the most part.
  13. OHHH yeah thats rite. well, more members on the pokemon server would be nice +1
  14. @Maymalays @Vector Is this boy yours?
  15. Pokemon Server…. I…. think?