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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Gotta goe fehst
    1. Fink


  2. Name: Goblin, mah nigguh. Class: Engineer Hat: Vox Diablous Misc1: Viking Braider (Aged Mustache Gray) Misc2: Beep Boy (Smiling) Misc3: Trencher's Tunic Holding: Goblin's Beautiful White Cock of Anal Justice (Extrodanary Abundance of Tinge Cockfighter)
  3. Bearded Bombardier Macho Mann -Anything- machomann4lyfe
  4. Gub's prom date has got a fat ass booty ლ(◉◞౪◟◉ლ) #bootylicious
  5. Oh god..... One is a payload map and it completely fugs up the server.
  6. Shut the fugs up berm. :troll:
  7. I don't think many people would support him considering there was only like 8 people on the server at that time :troll:
  8. Bingo! Bango! I rembember slaying a BUNCH of Blues that Saturday. God Save Jb2.
  9. Did this instance happen on JB1 or JB2?
  10. Penurs who show no pitty in murdering another man should be put out of their steaming pantload. -gub :troll:
  11. OH BOY HERE WE GO ( ◉◞౪◟◉)☝
  12. ya still gotta slay yourself if you freekill someone mang.
  13. Bout teim you got mud.
    1. Barmithian


      I know right? I have been wanting to get some mud all my life but it hardly rains
  14. Whether you wish to have an epic appearance or a saucy introduction in real, and Whether that be walking in a room or joining a game server, post the music you think you would like to play when introducing yourself to unworthy onlookers. Eyas the music I'd sure as hell wouldn't mind swaggerin into a mall/stripclub with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV7N-teR1qg
  15. Not so much population…. more or less… more entertaining stuff.
  16. Gubs got 99 problems and the Grinch's Dick ain't one. (╯◕_◕)╯
    1. DCook


      Welllll. How sure of that are you?
    2. Goblin


      I don't even know anymore
    3. DCook


      So like, 99% sure.
    4. Show next comments  75 more
  17. Hookie what the fug, yo. Ur profile picture is 2spooky assfuck 4 me.
    1. Haruka


      Lemmie change it just or you then, senpai
    2. Goblin


      My glob hooki what taste you have in fein ert. • ^ •
    3. Haruka


      I know huh
  18. Heyy my fello gubs and goobs its me goblin tellin yas I gots some life shet that needs doin for awhile and I won't be as active as I had in the past, if you haven't allready noticed my recent inactivitittes. But don't worry your pretty little penurs (or bawbs) because this lack of activity will be cutt short by summer, as I will be graduating. This doesn't mean I'm not going to come on once in a while, it just means i'm not going to be on as often as I used to be. Worry not though my Gibs, I shall be back come this summer, more wired and efficient than ever! -Goblin
  19. Yo tf2 mods congrats, but, can we not have 6 mods all gangbanging the fuck out of jb1 :troll: Try out other servers, I'm sure you'll find one you'll like.
  20. When In doubt call a mod. :troll:
  21. This is my summer home . _ .