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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. This brought me to tears.
  2. The Sauce. ಥ⌣ಥ
  3. Honestly, from what I know, I haven't seen many "jb mods" that willingly go on other severs other than JB1. With the exception of @Gwoash, I see him fuggin everywhere.
  4. stole Kbrazzle's stash of kush.
    1. kbraszzz


      I won't need it till 4/20.
    2. Goblin


      Hopefully the Easter bunny will bring you more then.
  5. Goblin

    Music Game

    Death God's: Kanye West becomes the new religion and is elected for lord of milk. (If you are easily offended by foul language DON'T watch this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxlJLz9M8hQ
  6. If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve.
  7. If a woman tells you she's twenty and she looks sixteen... She's twelve.
  8. Goblin

    Unusual Cockfighter

    I shall rock that cock.
  9. Those "unfortunate" bullied kids that try bullying around other little kids on a video game.
  10. I don't see why that would be needed at all as long as we gots mods...
  11. Wow. This crap gets hard to read after about mid second page. Y'all need to chill and settle your differences because stating accusations and insulting one another isn't helping the division get any better. Infact, it is making you look foolish.
  12. The hat glitch thing Is talking about the wrong class items displaying on the character. The missing hats on xG's servers come from a bad plug-in...
  13. FF just sounds like a clusterfug of problems just waiting to happen. Ammo Drops on the other hand, I liked a lot.
  14. Very Friendly to just about everyone. All I can say.... +1
  15. Holy shizdah that map looks shit-spewingly ugly. You'd be better off making your own, man. xD
  16. Sorry if i'm posting too many of these but.... Server: All Bug or Suggestion?: Bug What is your bug/suggestion?: There is a plugin on all the servers that makes other players unable to be seen around walls. This plugin is also responsible for weapons, items, hats, ect. not appearing on their class.
  17. Server: Saxton Hale Bug or Suggestion?: Bug What is your bug/suggestion?: Some maps are completely broken and the game cannot be played.
  18. Server: Deathrun Bug or Suggestion?: Bug What is your bug/suggestion?: Blu Scouts can throw their cleavers through walls and hit Red team, ruining the game.
  19. We'd only get a new server if many people were willing to support it. Thats the thing.
  20. Recently, I've been trying to flip flop across all the xG servers each day and trying to avoid getting on a server that already has a mod or enough mods... even the poor ole Deathrun server that is in desperate need of fixes. Its also up to the players to reach out to mods and pm them if shits goin down if we aren't there. Don't be afraid to give us a little "smack" if we aren't paying attention too.
  21. New maps are LONG overdue. I'm sick of playing "minecart" every other damn map transition.