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Posts posted by Fink

  1. My friend got vac'd for a week. I dont know how or why. Vac bans are really supposed to be temporary, so he got lucky.


    my alt got vac banned because my friend was playing csgo comp with it and was hacking. he didnt tell me he was hacking, so i thought i was vac'd for no reason.

  2. The day I found out that he had been on our Server (and was kicked, no-less) is a day that will always live in infamy to me. Not a day goes by where I don't wish I could have been on during the time. It truly was a dark day :coffee:

    well wasn't xg like the most popular css jb server back during 2013?

  3. mlcastle wasn't even on the server till late 2014. anyways I shut down that medic crusade whenever I was on blue like it was my biotch.

    it wasn't even called the medic crusade really. over the summer of 2013, on hunger games days, where ff was enabled, people would alliance as medics and just target the blues and any non medics

  4. So i got skyrim before the legendary edition came out.


    and yea the dlc is a lot of money. but i have tf2 items and im selling things for keys atm.


    if you have dlc you can give me, or if you will be kind enough to buy dlc for me, name a price (preferably in pure) and add me if im not already on your friends list. if im not online, just hit me up with a trade offer i guess, and vice versa for me.



    please someone have the dlc no one is selling it on outpost

  5. spork or febreze. They got me to join the clan. Around halfway in my time playing on xg servers, I met gub and he was pretty swaggin. None of you know him but my first xg friend was someone I knew irl. We joined the clan together. He stopped playing like right after he joined. Oh yeah and dr funkenstein

  6. My first pc game was portal 2. I previously had the Orange box for quite a while, and then I when I got portal 2 for PS3, it gave me a free download code for the pc version. I knew what steam was, but I probably would have never used it without portal 2. That game practically changed my entire gaming life. I first used a steam card to buy Garry's mod or tf2 weapons from the in game shop I believe. This was like 3 years ago so it's kind of vague

    Update: my first game with a steam card was half life 2 deathMatch. Thanks to @ChickenPanda for reminding me unwillingly

  7. My first pc game was portal 2. I previously had the Orange box for quite a while, and then I when I got portal 2 for PS3, it gave me a free download code for the pc version. I knew what steam was, but I probably would have never used it without portal 2. That game practically changed my entire gaming life. I first used a steam card to buy Garry's mod or tf2 weapons from the in game shop I believe. This was like 3 years ago so it's kind of vague

  8. I stole this idea from someone who posted this a while back. Credit to them. Im making this post so i dont grave dig the previous thread.


    Just comment your favorite video game, and why. It can be multiple games. I'll share mine once people start replying.

  9. There are lots, depends on what you are looking for. Some are upgradeable, some aren't. The upgradeable ones range from 1k to 6k if they are maxed out.


    If you want to design your own one, and pick the hardware, I recommend these guys: Custom Gaming Laptops - Welcome to Sager Notebooks



    If you want prebuilt power, there are plenty of MSI and ASUS ones out there that do well.

    Amazon.com: asus gaming laptop

    Amazon.com: msi gaming laptop


    You have plenty of options, but keep in mind you won't get the same power as a desktop. Also, pro tip, if you are getting one that has a higher end graphics card in it (i.e the new 860m or higher) you should get a laptop that has a second cooling fan specifically for the GPU. It will make the system last longer overall, not to mention you wont get third degree burns on your hands >.>


    I'm not buying one, i just wanted to see if there were any good ones because gaming laptops are known to cost more than gaming pcs even though they are majorly inferior most of the time