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Posts posted by Fink

  1. I'm leaving the clan. Before you say, "lul slonkerdicks (i mean "richknight") left just yesterday fegit kys." I have been planning about leaving since the summer so yea. I might still play on the server and such.


    My reason for leaving: I'm bored of being in a clan like this. When I first joined this clan it was a blast. Now I just sit here asking myself, "Why the fuck am I still here?" This has been a great time, and you guys are all awesome.


    Tagging some people because of how awesome they were

    @Muzzle hi kthxbai

    @Nomulous thanks for all the hard work put into our servers!

    @RichKnight byebye (you dirty cheat who leaves before me :c)

    @My XBOX for taking time away from PC

    @My life for being an asshole and taking my precious time from my computer even though I use it too much with it

    @Moosty you were a great mod (before the demotion)

    @Dethman Don't drop the soap next time you get arrested for stupid shit

    @SPORK you were the one that got me to join xg in the first place, you were a great friend and thank you.

    @Hachi eww amy rose but i remember only playing on jb2 for a while and you were mod

    @Goblin y u no active

    @Professor_Bubbles even though I doubt you will read this, your +1 on my member app was god tier (even though you weren't a member at the time lol.)

    @Swift cory

    @everyone else




    Now, this is a story all about how

    My life got flipped-turned upside down

    And I'd like to take a minute

    Just sit right there

    I'll tell you how I became a faggot in a clan called xenogamers





  2. As far as I know, we are in good terms with old SNG members (Ohstopyou is now a mod.) When the conflict first happened I was just a person who played on xg jailbreak (i wasn't a member) so I'm not sure completely what happened in the beginning. But if anyone harasses you or is a dick to you then I believe that violates our community rules here in xg.

  3. Fink is usually a good guy, so I don't want to fall out with him because of something as pathetic as this. Someone please close this because this is just going to drag on.

    Yeah I see your point, lets just stop arguing

  4. It was uncalled for because what do they all have in common? Being Irelivant.

    Sure it could be defined as irrelevant, but I thought the video was funny, and some people might have thought the same thing too.

  5. I find it difficult to see what you are trying to prove, then.

    You were saying it was uncalled for. Harassing someone is uncalled for. Punching someone for no reason is uncalled for. Posting a video you thought was funny on a we

  6. See? This is the reason xG is going downhill. Because of the constant shitposting and immaturity of some of the people in this clan.

    DUDE. He posted a video he most likely thought was funny in a thread. He has a sense of humor and wanted to share something he liked, how is that immature? Sure, he should have posted it in the shoutbox or something, but does it matter that much honestly?

  7. Definition of shitpost: To make utterly worthless and inane posts on an internet messageboard.

    This whole thing is just "Lel ur a weeaboo go kill urself" and "THERE IS NO BEST CARTOON"

    I never said it wasn't shitposting :I

  8. It was literally just out of the blue. Like, completely. It had no reason to be done.

    Well, he just wanted to share a comedy rant. That isnt a bad thing.

  9. A rant which is uncalled for and is just shitposting for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

    How is it uncalled for? its just filthy frank ranting about weaboos. Hes asian, and they kind of disrespect his culture.

  10. This whole thing is just fudgeing shitpost and after shitpost.

    Not all people who like anime is a weeaboo.

    There was no need for this thread whatsoever and all it would do is make people argue about pointless things.

    We never said everyone who likes anime is a weaboo, lol. we never even implied it. We aren't even really arguing. And this thread is a rant (I think?) and its pinoy showing us some good ole fashion kid friendly franku.