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Posts posted by Fink

  1. Im not a member so my +1 probably doesnt count but ive had a change of thought. I dont think his membership should be taken away. While i do not really like him, as he seems sassy and pretentious, i do think this thread is more about personal hate. I think some action or warning should be put towards matsi, but not a membership removal. A good amount of xG acts as rude as him, and if we are removing matsi's membership, theirs should be removed too. 9/11 and racist jokes are just as bad and maybe sometimes worse than innuendos, and there is a shit ton of them in xG. I think a demotion would be the best thing, because his personality does make him unfit for mod, in my eyes.


    Sorry for the awful wording, on my phone.



    pls dont flame me :(

  2. Look im not a member anymore


    but Matsi is the type of person that we shouldn't allow in xG. Not just because he is a furry or anything. Not because he is way too fucking personal about his fetishes in sex life (these really damn support this protest though). But because almost every single time I've seen him on the forums or servers he is abusing or being an immature and pretentious ass. I think the exploit thread was an amazing example. I tried to politely reassure other members that the exploit was only found on older versions of source (like older games) and Matsi replied to me and others rudely calling us gullible and stupid and such (even though we were just trying to be safe.) He also ignorantly denied these exploit claims even though there was an entire source reddit thread by an OFFICIAL steam spokesperson was made talking about the exploit. He repeatedly and immaturely insulted the people in the thread by saying they were stupid and gullible and arrogantly said things like "im too smart to get hacked hur durr." He doesn't think before he speaks, and this is evident when he talks about his weird dog fetishes and blowjob experiences, and when he is sassy and rude in threads

  3. So I just got Dark Souls 2, and it is my first souls game. I really like it so far, but I'm fucking awful. Long before I got DS2 I was planning to get Bloodborne, but DS2 was on sale, so I said, "why the fuck not." I have 6 hours in the game, and I'm at No man's wharf (thats probably not good as i believe thats still the beginning of the game) I beat the dragonrider and giant guy in the forest, but I die a lot. I'm around level 27.


    If you play the Souls series and know about it to a good extent, tips would help (like saying if im underleveled or giving gameplay tips.)


    thx i want t0 graduate from being a filthy casual


    if you know anyone who plays souls games tag them please.


    if you want, add me (click the steam profile icon on the parallel side of my name...)

  4. Brawl was my favorite.


    Not because it is the best one mechanically, gameplay-wise, and etc.


    It's because it's the one I've played the most and therefore, had the most fun with.


    Melee and Smash 4 are better games, (never played project m and brawl>n64) but Brawl is still my favorite.


    Debate me, atheists.

  5. An official PSA by a steam SPOKESPERSON was made. Its a virus. It isn't as easy to stop as a phishing site, as you DON'T know your downloading malicious files.


    Lets say a CSS jb server had the infected files. When you join, the files are downloaded to your computer because your computer thinks its downloading custom spray files (or files like that.) The files are totally masked under other custom files.

  6. Fuck Konami for removing Kojima's name.

    MGS V looks really good, and its been a really hyped game for me since 2013. The reviews are outstanding, and it has like a 95 on metacritic. And before you say, "blah blah ign sux LOL," everyone who has played it so far has said its great, and it looks fucking badass, so I don't really care. The game isn't gonna be as weird as all the other MGS games, and it's going to have cutscenes that aren't nearly as long.