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Everything posted by Fink

  1. Fink

    New Staff

    How about gmask gets co leader!
  2. Fink

    Audio Troubles..

    So my old headphones stopped working and i got new ones. I have an HP envy 6 laptop (a powerhouse, i know lel) and i can only set my headphones to the default communications device in sound preferences. i cant set my headphones to default device. I can only here sound in communication apps like skype, steam chat, etc. In games and other apps, noise comes through the speakers. ive heard this only happens to hp users (idk if true) and if you use a hp or not, and if you would give me some advice on what to do, it would be appreciated. if you are confused or if i made grammar mistakes in that, (im rushing) then feel free to speak up.
  3. Fink

    Waimalu Was Hijacked

    @StarmiX I never said it was...
  4. Fink

    Waimalu Was Hijacked

    @StarmiX this isnt a thread about helping him. he wanted to notify everyone what happened because the hijacker was using his account to send phishing links.
  5. Fink

    im gonna git u boy ( ◉◞౪◟◉)
    1. Fink


      my profile picture will hypnotize you into buying me a dlc
    2. Barmithian
    3. DrLee


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    4. Show next comments  90 more
  6. Found my first legendary in borderlands 2. it was a grenade. HELL YA
  7. Fink

    Waimalu Was Hijacked

    @Kittylicious You have to log in on the link he sends. so if you actually click it, look up at the url to see if its verified before you try to log in
  8. he told me to make this thread in case the hijacker uses steam integration to log into xg. if he is on your friends list, DONT CLICK THE LINKS HE SENDS. if any staff wants to move this, feel free. sorry for the shitpost. he made a new account named Waimalu. he says to feel free to readd him
  9. StOp bUlLyInG mE!!!!!!!
  10. donger is totally not an overused joke here in the tf2 div.
    1. Fink


      it came from league along with lenny and etc. I know mah may mays berm
    2. Fink


      @[51668:@Barmithian] they even have a little custom gamemode called donger dash
    3. Barmithian


      HA. YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT? You have much to learn young fink
    4. Show next comments  90 more
  11. happy birthday im not late in fact im the earliest
    1. Marceline


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) u don good
  12. Fink

    New Staff

    please no more furries. or bronies. or otakus (im one but still lel)
  13. doxxing is document sharing,or finded personal info of people and putting it out. This may not be the best definition but idk
  14. Fink


    ill finally beat borderlands 2 during summer
  15. Fink

    apply for member nao
    1. Jayyy


      no, i havnt been on on xg server forever
  16. summer, im comin for ya bby ;_;
  17. y u ignore my requests
  18. All the zelda games except the cdi ones suck #cdi4life no but srsly oot and mm are amazing
  19. #bello4mod2056
  20. Fink

    New Staff

    theres this cool guy named fink who needs dl
  21. +1 YES SNIPES M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  22. If you cant do my previous one can you do this? Class: demo Items: Brotherhood of arms, black summer shades, mercs pride scarf, holding pan red team scenery: can you make him flying through the air on a map with a lot of space.