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Everything posted by SupremeWolf

  1. It's about high time I state some things to at least get my view on things out there. This is not a begging post or any of that useless stuff. Please refrain from 'yelling' or arguing, I want this to be civilized and mature. Also, calling out Vector cause if I know him he's going to try to spill my spaghetti and/or prove me wrong. And yes Vector, I've heard your part to conversations like these. Onwards then. I'd like to point out how moderators/admins are chosen is a bit iffy and could use some touch up. I'm not trying to target anyone, but It seems that mods/admins are chosen by activity alone. The problem with this is that some members who get moderator/admin can and will abuse or don't to their job at all because they're based on activity and not maturity and how they help and treat the community, and again, not trying to target anybody or take any positions down. What I think the higher ups and xG itself should work on is how moderators/admins are chosen so less tragedy, chaos and such happens all the time and we won't loose other good mods/admins (Ex. Bonnie due to Kitty). I'll leave the choice up to the Higher Ups about this @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Bach @ThePenguin @DrLee @Forest and anyone else I might have missed. And again, I'm not begging or arguing with any of you. I just want to clean some things up. Thank you for your time.
  2. I support this as well. That way I may wear the Moderator Title. Cause it seems I do more moderating than others~ no offence.
  3. SupremeWolf

    Fanfic thread

  4. I think we can get along very well! Someone +1 this kid for me!
  5. Man, I'm never able to plus Juan anybody anymore, so busy ;-; If I knew us better if +Juan you hehehe
  6. Dude was a racist prick to me. But he was my racist prick. Bai ya scrub. I'll miss your hilarious racist comments.
  7. Keep the duel plugin if it crashes JB. I think it's best idea. Besides, who wants to play "Follow the rules or die." Anyways?
  8. Biggest Black xG Member Ever.
  9. Few notes: I'll be editing this late tonight or tomorrow to help explain more. You may use any resource you have, it can be anything as well, from anti-drug to whatever the fuck you want.
  10. So, while chatting with @Rejects I came up with the idea of everyone making their own PSA (Public Service Announcement). If you don't know that that is search it up on YouTube or Google. You can just type it out, use SFM, and so on. I'll find something high priced to give to a winner or the person I find the best (Comedic recommended). Anywho Ill give this a few weeks to a month for everyone.
  11. I've honestly given up at his point. Seems the more I try to help the community the more time I waste. Not trying to sound like a certain someone *cough* Kitty *cough* It's just that it honestly seems that way. No, I'm not leaving the clan either.
  12. I'd like one of Tyrone please c: Just check Selfie Sunday and use that c:
  13. I could do that. It'll take a while n such but I do enjoy writing out stuff like that. I'll keep it in mind.
  14. Since I'm gonna get all the hate anyways an Gwoash already said I have too... -1 Im not one for supporting early quitters, even if they do join back I have a general dislike for people of that kind. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
  15. I wanna minus one him... But I don't want to be THAT GUY... Hmm...
  16. Get outta my house you scroob. Make your own Gallery, besides that shit is gay AF.
  17. Les begin the barging. I'll buy for 5 keys.
  18. You shouuuuld give it to me as a Christmas present~<3
  19. I am, the Dairy Man.
  20. Made these last year for MayMays. Good times they were. (Had issues the first upload)
  21. Got 3 extra I made in my Tech College. Enjoy! [Order by appearance] Tyrannosaurus-REKT/ Lots&Lots of REKT/ Cory In The Big Blue House
  22. I'll post this here as well. To follow up Bach's big clean up of xG I want to make sure I'm not making anyone uncomfortable or angry so please comment on THIS POST. If you wish for your face to stop being photoshopped. If you do want it to be photoshopped but not any disturbing ones tell me as well. If you do not tell me I'll continue doing it.