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  1. Actually now that you mentioned that Im trying to justify it......I realized I don't really have any obligation to justify anything(I mean its not like I can REALLY change how people think of me+Im not givin out my life story over the internet)So Im just gonna leave it at this. I was surprised/pissed (surprissed?) that Vexx was staff( again not sure if its the Vexx I remember,somone else,or it is that Vexx but hes not a douche now) and said some hateful stuff. Clearly he has a good reputation within the community so he must not be LIKE the Vexx I met. lol actually stopping and thinking about it I overreact and overthink ALOT. so yeah oops...
  2. Someone in voice chat told me just THEN. Thats actually what brought about the topic of how much I legitimately disliked Vexx. Also this Vexx may be a different person. However the fact that the person I disliked periodically came on xg servers and had the same name seemed like one hell of a coincidence. Also I was just fucking around with the other staff. I mean if you are not able to handle a little joke(and don't tell me what I did was somehow serious cause trust me it was not) then they should not be staff. Welcome to the internet.
  3. well if you think enjoying memes makes someone immature/ignorant then thats your opinion. Also I was just screwing around(although I do remember someone named Vexx/vex who was a massive douche)
  4. I registered in 2015 but I first joined an xg server and went on the forums in 2014(Im really fuckin lazy :/ )
  5. Dealing with past sins on the forums
  6. lol idk but I have not been on the forums in about a year. So I probably need an introduction to a large portion of you. Also please ignore any old posts from when I was a bit more.......ignorant. I may or may not be more active at this point.
  7. conflicted over correct pronounciations
  8. We were arguing about words and if they could be pronounced in multiple ways. Then somebody was like "You cant pronounce strange strangeh!!!" and strangeh was born. Spread the word,strangeh v.s strange. #strangeh_v.s_strange
  9. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Atomicbunny Steam ID: Steam Community :: Atomicbunny Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active: 1 year 6 months Age: 15