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Everything posted by Giraffes

  1. What do you mean emerald jarate?
  2. Selling a genuine neon annihilator for a name tag. Being a freemium you are going to have to add me so we can trade :/ Steam Community :: Digi
  3. Finding collage accredited schools for animation is so hard 0.0
  4. I love this stop motion,good job!
  5. Naaa just a weird glitch I wanted to put out there :P I am thinking it had to do with the trade nitnat and I did a while back that failed.
  6. So I had a furfag title in the Dodge ball server,then for some reason it turned into a warrior title,I am not sure how this happened,maybe you guys could look into this. Nitnat and some other people in the server witnessed it happen,so you can ask them if needed.
  7. Found out that black rhinos went extinct this week
    1. Waimalu


      Racist bastards
  8. Recently I have noticed that when players are punished I have seen things such as "what did I tell you" for the reason slot.I know the player was told,but would putting the reason given slot with the actual reason be more viable than just "what did I tell you"? These are just my opinions but what are your guy's views on these topics?
  9. Trying to find someone selling the Mr.Juice,and it ain't easy :P
  10. Anyone know some good animation programs other than Blender. Also could I get some information on the SFWs used when I see the TF2 animations?
  11. I still don't get the purpose of a player submission. Applying to be a member? Almost like being a member/player is some sort of job
    1. NitNat


      In my opinion it's for responsibility purposes. Also being a member, you get a chance at being part of the staff you complete the requirements
  12. Could you explain the 10+ 1's? What exactly does that mean,and who is BobbyWow? And if there are requirements to even become a member,shouldn't those be posted?
    1. ChickenPanda


      They are. Everything is explained in this thread: https://xenogamers.com/threads/57/ BobbyWow was a hacker on our servers and we were all joking that he did nothing wrong.
    2. Giraffes


      It is not exactly in the best placement,in my opinion it needs to be with the respected player submission slot. If I may add
    3. ChickenPanda


      It's in the Member Submission part of the forums. You won't see it if you make your submission through applications. But yes, I agree it should be with the application.
  13. Rhododendron Please look at my membership submission (Put cute begging face here)
    1. ChickenPanda


      It doesn't matter if he looks at it. You still need 10 +1's
    2. Forest


      Rhod giving a vouch on a Member Sub? I'm sorry to disappoint, but highly unlikely m8
  14. My birthday is not accurate,who can I go to, to fix it?
  15. Used the T-Pose strategy in Dodge ball with Bliz and kicked NitNat's butt.
    1. NitNat


      True. Until I killed Bliz first and you had no one to reflect with :P
  16. Waiting for my Player Submission to go through :P
  17. Nitnat I am sorry :(
    1. NitNat


      What? No! It's perfectly okay, it's no ones fault. No need to apologize
    2. realBelloWaldi


      Lol, what happened?
    3. NitNat


      Just some issues with a title, didn't really work out well but it's all okay
  18. I understand it would be massive,but It would be handy to have. You don't have to look at it 24/7 All you need is the time it happened along with a player name. Keyword searching logs isn't such an issue with massiveness
  19. I wish I had evidence of it happening other than witnesses,but I am sure you could check the server's log actions between the hub and players.
  20. In the slenderfortress game Nitnat and I were testing it out,She tried to send me the furfag title. It didn't work and the title was lost mid transaction,because it never made it to my hub inventory.
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Digimon Steam ID: Steam Community :: Digimon Banned: Yes Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active: A good amount of time (No exact number) Age: Above 16 Further Information: I am just an everyday player interested in joining the Xg Community
  22. So today I experienced something weird, the Handsome Jack hale can not look down so he is automatically trapped in the air. Could you please fix this. There are a lot of hales that can no longer weigh down for some reason.
  23. So making assumptions about my actions is a way to justify your own? You had no idea if I had intent in finding the loop hole through the rules,or If I was trying to be comical. Such outrageous assumptions,and having it actually pissing you off shows the inability to functionally work without being immature. With all do respect I am not trying to attack you,but I just can't agree with your absurd actions. They were justified by opinions made by your self,not by the rules themselves.I understand you are being strict on rules,but [Not a Troll Tag] is NOT a loophole for an Xg tag,and it is obvious. Including it as a loophole would not be reprehensible. I can't even comprehend how you find me trying to attack you with such a tag?!
  24. You realize people spam that chat constantly, and you can't see a thing. Plus chat was being bombarded. I do appreciate you kicking me to ask my name. According to the rules Having Xg tags are not allowed if you are not an Xg member(I had no idea there was an actual submission process for it individually ). If I may also add [Not a troll tag] should not be that offensive, nor should you be forced to take action against it. I subsided from the Xg company tag, which not only that it couldn't even be considered an attack against you. The amount of immaturity you have to take action against such a "troll" wouldn't be a valid argument. I did as you said and took Xg out of my name and made a submission. It was during the time I wasn't paying attention (During the Rock Boss, Bliz was last alive before I was banned again). Although a lot of the powers you have could have sent the message a lot clearer that having [Xg] and [Not Xg] ,and it is apparently against the rules now to have [Not a troll tag] in the name. You failed to not only communicate,but to act mature in the necessary situations, not to include you irrational and immature actions against it.
  25. Now I am banned for a day for having [not a troll tag] in my name So I assume all troll tags are bannable offenses