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Posts posted by PyroBunny

  1. As you said, it's not written in stone but we could add a rule to make it more clear. I personally thought our "No teamkilling"-rule implies that giving orders to kill other blues is forbidden. However, I agree that it's very vague and we should clarify it.


    May not directly be "written in stone," but i feel like the freekilling rule on there darn sure comes real close to stone and clearly this has made its way through not only my eyes and the player base, but also most staff who have gone blue.

    Freekilling: Freekilling is the act of killing a player even when they were following the warden's orders or were killed for no reason at all. Freekilling is not allowed.

    And because i'm on mobile and bold isnt an option - "even when they were following the warden's orders."

  2. Calm down, they want to see how this goes before they close it, they want to get community input from the people involved as well as others who can give their opinion, there is no time limit on any of this.

    I was asking for their response whether or not telling the reds to kill someone w/o retaliation is a valid order.

  3. What orders wasn't he following? Because if he was not around the warden and just playing map games, you could of warned him to come back or be slayed and if he didn't. If the warden made an official order to kill a blue, i would think i have a right to defend myself. +1 for shorting teamban to a week and +1 to rule saying you can't order reds to kill another blue.


    Here's a little excerpt from our server's jailbreak rules:

    • Freekilling: Freekilling is the act of killing a player even when they were following the warden's orders or were killed for no reason at all. Freekilling is not allowed.
    • Mass Freekilling: Freekilling 3 or more reds at the same general time.


    You're more than welcome to come on our servers, you're not getting banned for anything.

    My suggestion, wait a little while then come back again, but this time bring some clarity and not lies. The lies are what's tripping us right now.

    And I know you love coming on and having fun, we're not going to stop you from having that. No one is asking you to leave, come back and make some friends and try again later.

    Most people applying for memberships are people who have spent majorities of their lives on these servers, spend some more time here before making such a rash decision.

  5. The warden announce that yes, kill him since he wasn't listening to the warden. Even though he has a right to defend himself, I only witnessed 1 maybe 2 reds actually hitting him before he killed everyone who ran after him (5 total died).

  6. -1 Your information is very... Sketchy.. From what you're telling us you've put 1,279 hours into our servers, however, according to our records you've only played enough time for just over 3 days on any of our ranked servers... Now, I may not have a PhD in math, but I'm pretty sure 76,777min =/=.~ 4320min. As well as, our rank systems may not be 100% accurate I'd hope that they do not have a ~95.4% error (For anyone who didn't take any form of science this is very bad)

    Also (can't verify since your profile is private):

    But..You only have 159 hours..



    M:2 (because of lack of clarity)

  7. Well... After the 10ish minutes of taking my dog for a walk I didn't expect there to be a report for a simple 5 minute mute...


    Here are my two cents: You were not only warned by me but warned by blank; by mic. At first we didn't want to do too much since you had been in a duel, but we wanted you to tone it down a tad bit. After, I noticed that you had switched teams and ended the duel, however, you continued to complain about being spawn camped. This is where I issued the all chat warning (3rd time is the charm right?) You then proceeded to continue to complain after which I muted you for a measly 5 minutes; which was being nice compared to how much crap we had to deal with before all that started (that jord/george stuff)

  8. Theres a reason why this is banned. Its been tried a few times before. And when plug ins broke and we went into emergency rules, demo was accessible. It was hell.
    -1 from me as well. Its also the only class that cannot hit a single target without using melee (tl;dr demoman is an AOE class)


    [edit] Enabling demoman is just asking for freekills/mass freekills and giving staff more to deal with.

  9. This bug is VERY annoying. It also blocks your view at sometimes, making it not easy to aim. I definitely think this could be ghosting, but it's just a bug that could be easily fixed (I'm buttuming.) For now, we should put a rule in place that if this bug happens to you, you're not allowed to spectate spies. It's kind of a hitler rule, but it'd work until it's fixed.

    But the point im trying to get across is that Im using it to combat campers.... More specifically C&D spies...


    In answer to your question, I would consider this as ghosting. Whether it's a glitch or not is not the issue (@ChickenPanda). The point is that it reveals an active player's location without their consent. It's one thing if that player is Spy trolling, in which case this glitch is akin to using the 'slay' command and could be considered "helpful" for the time being. It's another if the player is strategically camping and ghosts are giving away their position.[/uSER].

    May I repeat, not everyone on the server has access to slay.. And not always are there people on there who can..


    Nonetheless, I posted this here to get an official call on whether or not it is breaking the rules set.

  10. if they are camping spies just slay them in the butt

    Not everyone can slay...

    I would not think so since it is a glitch.

    Right right, but it is still technically showing where the player is. Plus to non-spies it can block vision. Either way, if you're telling me it isn't i'll go till someone else tells me it is.

  11. So, I've found a little bug with barrel Pyro (but that is beside the point for this thread). It's the glitch where once killed as a Pyro your cosmetics can "haunt" anyone you are spectating. Now I've also found that anyone can see these cosmetics and its very useful for pointing out C&D camping spies. Now, I've wondered, would that be considered ghosting?

    [Dearly sorry if I've placed this thread in the wrong place]

  12. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    As far as the TS goes, I never knew open players were welcome (if they were at all). However, I tend to play Saxton hale FF2 more than anything really now-a-days... Sometimes in large time gaps.. Woops.. Either way, I don't exactly know why I'm applying other than to meet another community, make friends, and to help move along the painful trolls of tf2... I would appreciate a look at this app, but am I in no pain or despair if do not get chosen for member.