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Status Updates posted by RuBid1uM

  1. I GOT THE JOB!!! :D
    1. DonutMonkey


      AYEEEE CONGRATS!!! - well i'm a little late but y'know, better late than never?
  2. Job interview today! Wish me luck o3o
  3. So far two people are interested in the rabbit. I. Having a meeting with one to be sure that they are good people first of all
    1. Swift


      my dog likes rabbits
    2. Egossi


      I'd look after it if I didn't live across the ocean as I actually really love rabbits
  4. Trying to find a new home for my rabbit since I'm leaving for university. It's tough though, I'll miss him
  5. Second inter view next week o3o
  6. Uhg not feeling to well today
    1. RuBid1uM


      My therapy group is at the hospital, like, germ central. Think I caught something there
    2. Kypari


      Hope you get well soon c: I've got really bad jetlag even though I haven't been abroad, just me trying to stay up with you North Americans :>
    3. RuBid1uM


      You're a very pretty man my dude
  7. Tomorrow I officially start group therapy. Six hours a day, I'm scared honestly, but I'll try my best so I can get better.
    1. Kypari


      I've got some booked with the doctors but I've been waiting months for them to come through. Hopefully yours works out for you C:
    2. RuBid1uM


      It's been a long time before I could get any help, honestly they need to get their shit together. And today went great thank you!
  8. My rabbit made a fur dust bunny XD
  9. Junkrat > bastion. Everyone > bastion. Bastion > bastion
  10. You up for some gaming tomorrow?
    1. DonutMonkey


      Sure thing, i'm going somewhere in the morning though. I'll let you know when i come back, i shouldn't be gone more than 2 hours. :)
  11. fanfic I'm reading came out with the next chapter o3o EEEEEHEHEE
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prism


      is it that wierd mccree x hanzo bullhonky i see on tumblr
    3. RuBid1uM


      Nah~ better o3o
    4. Prism


      den what is it, i'm now curious
  12. Saved a baby bird from drowning today, but I keep freaking out about what would of happened if I didn't decide to walk to the pond?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Prism


      I'm proud of you for choosing to save the bird. More heroic than I ever was. but i'd be in the same boat, it's always freaky when you think about what would happen if you didn't do it
    3. SnowyMinion


      @[106854:@Goblins] I'm hurt
    4. RuBid1uM


      Thank you, I appreciate it!
  13. Let's do this my dudes
  14. Job interviews tomorrow wish me luck!
    1. DonutMonkey


      Good luck!! Be careful, they will try and steal your soul. .3.
    2. Forest


      Good luck. If things get awkward, just imagine the person interviewing you in their underwear.
    3. DonutMonkey


      I did that once, i'm not a sex offender i swear. ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
  15. Playing Crash Bamdicoot Warped! My childhood~
    1. Egossi


      Crash BaMdicoot warped and twinsanity are the best ones
    2. DonutMonkey


      DUDE! You play crash bandicoot as well? I love that game, I'm so excited for the remasters.
  16. University starts soon, which means I'm gonna be gettin my own computer, which in turn also means I can join team speak!
  17. Off to a farm, gonna pet sum heffers!
  18. Got to pet some Marimo today
  19. Good morning starshines, the Earth says 'hello'!