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Article Comments posted by Elcark

  1. On 8/6/2018 at 6:48 PM, Venty said:

    I wonder, why did elcark step down? Any specific reason or just didn't want to be a division leader? 

    Not at all, I did really enjoy it and spent some time considering before leaving. Leaving boiled down to activity though as around mid July I was not getting nearly what I thought was adequate for what was needed of me due to a handful of reasons. It was an issue not likely to turn around magically so I didn't want to risk going entirely inactive while still having responsibility. 

    @Sesh 2c1.gif.e9ef4992a814ad8c8bb1d0935a34bb4b.gif

  2. Lot of good stuff here, looking forward to a lot of it.

    Tf2 donator reworks are much welcomed and seemingly a bit overdue (minecraft donator when?). I can totally get behind the removal of nofall for a variety of reasons, does this mean it will be removed from hub as well as from those who purchased it from such? Also, what are the reasons for removing medic shield? Seems unnecessary to me.

  3. Oh.....wow. This was one hell of an event I guess. Like sick said, I don't know if I'm happy or sad (not to mention shocked for a number of reasons) and this certainly wasn't something I wanted to wake up to.

    So...um...congrats to the promotions...? (Especially Vacindak. Vacindak for supreme president person leader guy)

  4. You can add your own tags to your steam friends. If you feel that you're going to have a difficult time finding them, click the drop down arrow next to their name and click "Tag as..." to tag them.

    While I do find this very useful for personal use, it doesn't help those who don't have staff in their friends list. Specifically newer people on the servers who aren't familiar with whom staff are or may be, or even how to find them. Now of course having the admin and mod titles helps with this issue, but not so much if the staff member is using their mic more so then text chat. This also makes things significantly easier for people to impersonate staff members through the mic as well. Perhaps, and I'll pulling this out of my rear end here, making it required for warnings to be issues through text chat before one can actually take action to a mute/kick/etc, to ensure that the staff title is seen by users.