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Chaonic last won the day on September 22 2020

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  1. Y'all probably dislike me.

    Context is key. And I didn't provide any context for the sake of amusement.
    It probably makes me really weird person... But for a little while, people were absorbed by my posts. Disgusted, weirded out. Whatever. But it spiced up some peoples' days. Gave something to talk about.
    I like to be controversial for the sake of entertainment, to reveal later, it's not anywhere as bad.

    Right now, I'm not really in a good position to clean my name. I'm a trolly spammer at best.
    Not the greatest start for any new friendship.

    Welp. Sorry for making people worried too much. ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. virr


      If you came here to actually stalk colorparty (similar things has happened in the past) i would probably have banned you. Now, it ended up being an inside joke that just made you look like a creep, but thats on you and isnt a bannable offense at all.  stop using so many commas

    3. Chaonic


      English is not my native language. My native language is German, which uses them a lot.
      The meaning of what I'm saying may also change drastically a lot of the times if I don't use them.
      What it boils down to is... I may be fluid with words, but my way of structuring sentences is a very very hard thing to change.. ? 

    4. virr


      English is my second language too, i feel you