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Posts posted by mel.

  1. eh, idk tbh. :emoji_disappointed_relieved:


    like a lot of others, i also use the machina for mainly hs practice cuz of the trail, but honestly callin it a "crutch" cuz "bodyshot warriors use it" kinda is a bit silly when u consider how hard snipin' is...


    really the sydney slep-er (or the piss riffle lol) is the bodyshooter gun, but apparently now it extenquishes teammates so.... idk maybe its useful now and not so scummy like the "dang-er" shield is, lmao :emoji_yum:

  2. Hey hello! I'm one of the higher ups around here, if you stick around we will most likely interact in one way or another :emoji_smile: Don't worry about being weird, all of us are in one way of another.


    Welcome and hopefully you enjoy your stay <3


    thank you, and yeah i know just sometimes feels better to just put it out in the air so it doesnt come as a surpise, lol :emoji_heart:


    thanks u again and i look foward to seeing u :emoji_two_hearts:

  3. hi, my name is mel, mel for melancholy and im new to [xG] (obviously, lol) :emoji_two_hearts:

    so far, ive played on the tf2 trade servers for like 2 days or something

    it's pChill and i'm just looking for more places to play on besides pub 24/7 servers


    im super bored a lot of the time and as of kinda last week i just got back into tf2 after...

    well, how ever many years ago 13' - 14' was! but techinially i did come back in 15' but i just played super casually then

    i played a lot of tf2 on my first account and this one (like around 3k hrs and 2k on this one, yeah i have no life) :emoji_sleeping:

    uh... other things about me i guess? :emoji_thought_balloon:

    - im 18, as of june 9th :3

    - im trans female, mtf (that just means im a guy and i wanna be a girl. no special pronouns needed )

    - i tend to be really weird and akward as hell at times

    - yeah, im a furfag, please do insult me on that lmao


    after that, i can't think of much else!

    so any questions just tell me, im almost always down to talk and stuff

    oh, and im super glad to be here and all that, if i didnt mention :emoji_sparkling_heart:


    so yeah thats it, :emoji_peace: