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Duckii Jr. :) *hugs*

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I left like a month and 2 weeks a go. Didn't really expect to re join at all. But I just can't fucking stay away. I ducking love all of you to much! I hope I can be forgiven for leaving. I love you guys. No matter what, you've always been a family to me.


I joined xG back in 2010 and have always stuck with xG since. Even when I left, I technically didn't leave. I still stuck around and hung out. I've missed you guys a lot truly.


Thank you for checking out my submission you sexy mother duckers ;)


Oh yeah... I'm a duck btw




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noyZUnVv_rs @@KingJ


LET THE +1 -1 +0's BEGIN










Sorry for the randomness. I got bored ;p




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Right here.


Now, I tried to tolerate you, but here are my reasons.


  • Whenever you feel down, you try to get us to sympathize with you, by telling stories about your dad. Granted, we should feel sorry, but after hearing the same bullshit over 10 times in a month, it gets old.
  • There's so much drama revolving around you.
  • Whenever two people get in an argument, you thrust yourself in the middle, and make the argument about you
  • You sneak your laptop away from your dad, then called him an asshole when he catches you. It's not his fault you got caught.
  • You whine way too much.


So yeah, those are my reasons.

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