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i sense some heavy shit posting going on.


You know that feel when no gf right?

That lonesome feel when you sit there infront of your computer.

and you're browsing through the pictures of that one girl

that one special girl

that you might even love

but you will never have the balls to ask her out

or approach her or even look at her

sometimes when you see her at the other side of the streets

you take out your phone and pretend you're looking at your emails so she doesnt see you

that feel when you will never approach her and never talk to her


it's called that feel when no girlfriend

that feel when no girlfriend,that feel when no girlfriend,that feel when no girlfriend, (delay)

forever alone

is not a state of mind but

it's you

never had a girlfriend

right now you are 18 or 16 or even 24

it doesn't matter because you are only a few years away from wizard...from being a wizard

but deep down in your soul you know youre a good human yoru're a good soul but still she the one the girl you seek so much

you think shes a nice person

well I don't know

but then suddenly you check your facebook status and you see that shes toghether with that son of a bitch

that cocksucker

that fagget

he doesn't deserve her

fucking asshole

stealing my girlfriend

she loves him and they're toghether for good

maybe they're going to marry maybe they're even going to have kids

but you saw all of that

because the internet, your best friend, ist still there and you watch everything she does.

stop doing it, stop following her. because shes not worth it probably.

maybe there is still hope

some day you will find here

but its not her its someone else

one day its gonna be good

just dont think about it too much

I wish you all the best in the future Bernd

Hopefully everything will turn out good for you

im sure

all the best

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