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Ct's are derps on Jailbreak CSS

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Some of the ct's on Jailbreak on CSS are derps. They have no clue of the motd and such. Like freekilling, freeshooting, not knowing what a freeday is, killing people not inside warday area, ect. These kinds of people need to be tamed. I don't know how you can figure out who knows motd and who doesn't, but there needs to be a way. -Abraham Lincoln

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Members try to coach as best they can, but people don't always listen. If a mod/admin is on and you see something use your teamchat and type @ followed by your message and it will go privately to them. If no mod/admin is on try to help the derps. If something goes terribly wrong take screenshots or a demo and post a ban request (even if they don't get banned, it will raise awareness of a derpy player and people will keep an eye on them).

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And that will always be the case. We can't just tell the server "block derps". Derps will derp. Help them if you can or use the tools at your disposal to have them CT-banned, server banned, watched by an admin, etc.

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Yeah, I just came on here because i ran into two "derps".. Unfortunately i don't know where to post a thread about them (:D) but.. The tools didn't work out. They didn't listen when i told them to slay themselves and they said they'd stop but continued. Heathen and MyLiLPwny are those two. Mass freekilled the shit out of me because i killed them on freedays. The only admin that was on was Pinoy but he was afk for the entire time. They even tried calling warden by chat. Someone do something about those MAJOR Derps! D:



(P.S., yeah, there's no proof, or anything, I'm just saying, Some mods/admins need to be on earlier in the morning, Usually for the past 2 days i've been the only one online for about three or four hours.. I wake up at 7, that's why.) They only come on early. Lots of baddies get caught in the day when everyone's online, but needs to also be during morning or.. well, it's just not fun at all.

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Eh nothing can ever completely stop people who don't know the MotD from joining the CT team. Like Neo said best we can do is inform them, and if they continue down the incorrect path go on teamspeak and inform a mod/admin that you need help.

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