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Good Memories

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In light of recent events. I think it would be a good idea to share your best times in xG that you can remember.


I have two.


1. The time when I was rebeling on JB and was hiding with a awp just picking off people 1 by 1. I took out the entire enemy team, even the last CT. But what made it amazing was that I kept asking for a pardon every time I killed someone, as before I was not pardoned before I had killed anyone. Everyone was laughing so hard it was just the best.


2. Was when xG did DayZ a lot. We all got on at once and we had like 5 cars and within 4 hours they were all blown up. Tree (rip) proved that driving high doesnt make you a better driver. The last car we had got driven into the ocean with 3 people inside and 1 person bailed out before he drove it in.


But even better was when, this one kid we were playing with, I think he was a mod but quit or something, just completely couldnt stop crying because we kept killing him. God that was amazing.


Anyways, post below your best xG memories.

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I have a few favorite moments :P

When avalanche was new, no one know that the teleporters in armory brought you outside, so I was out at ski with an awp. Then, I proceded to take out the ENTIRE CT team. #Ace I felt like a badass xD

Also, when I first became div leader, I put on the div skin and pretty much looked like a ct. I walked right out of my cell without ct's doing anything and fucked them up lol

I also just love spending time with my bros, staying up super late playing.

LAST ONE: Me and @@Deodate were playing tf2, and he started unboxing crates. I remember seeing the thing that said he unboxed an unusual in the chat box, and then both of us just freaking out in ts for a solid 30 minutes. Lol

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1. KennY and I were the last two prisoners. We rebelled under high watch on us and killed the entire Guard team, including Last CT. (6 people). Fucking extraordinary.


2. I shot two people consecutively through the wall of cabin on avalanche and got headshots. Everyone suspected me of hacking.

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1. Karaoke day on blackout_v10 with @@Chrono and several others, their names escape me at the moment. Absolutely great moment that reminded me of a younger Jailbreak (Not super young, just when I was a mere member along with several others)


2. Crouching out of bottom cells on jb_avalanche with @@MineCrack and making it outside without being caught by 8+ CTs at the beginning of the round upon cells being opened. Go ninja, go ninja, go.


3. Several counts of late night Jailbreak with a stud named @@Duke as well as others (names escape me </3) which went on till normally 6~7 AM.


4. And of course way back in the day where people always asked me if I was a mod for XenoGamers (due to extensive knowlege of the motd and pointing out faults and such) when in all actuality I wasn't even a member yet (This was when I was known as just "Forest" and when "Doug" used to be a frequenter)


Hoping on some newfound memories to add to my collection in this colorful and rather random community.

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1. Karaoke day on blackout_v10 with @@Chrono and several others, their names escape me at the moment. Absolutely great moment that reminded me of a younger Jailbreak (Not super young, just when I was a mere member along with several others)


You guys made fun of me. :(

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I still remember my first day of jailbreak <3

Another great moment: Someone played the song that was played when you first join the server when I first started (Playing with Power) like a year after it was put out of use. I had MAJOR nostaligasm. :3

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Joining xG back in 2010


Joining the xG jailbreak for the first time (I met Silence)


Getting mod for the first time (March 2011)


Meeting Duckii :)


Becoming Duckii Jr.


Becoming warden for the first time and then being shot in the face 5sec later


Every tinychat party.


Meeting Aegean


Watching Aegean stream. He played Slender, but the best part was when he went on Chat Roulette while wearing that shoe on his head. @Link_ remember that lmao "Like my shoe?"


Recording Rabid when he sang "Firework" by Katy Perry


Being there when trollface and Silence did the "Mom get me a condom" joke


Being on jailbreak all night and morning every day




All the newfags I met :)...ok most of them

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On my iPad so I'll keep it short.


I colored myself black got guns from armory as a T. Then I stood with CTs for a good minute or so then I started shooting everyone. This happened on nexoid.

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My first few days in jailbreak back in May :)


Also back when the first group of us had fun on dayz and everyone asked us for rides because we always found cars

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-my first time getting mod.

-abusing on cristo

-late summer nights on jailbreak back when it was all of us together. <33

-asking aegean to be my jr.

-unboxing my first unusual. <3

-first scrim

-being THAT warden. >>

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I remember an abuse thread (can't remember who it involved) where a guy said that an admin was disrespecting and took screenshots of the chat. The guy was an idiot because in the screenshots you can see his wall hacks. He was perma-banned because of that thread. I couldn't stop laughing after I saw that.

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I don't really have many fond memories (I do have alot though I just dont remember) but one thing from this clan I have learned even though from the internet is maturity and respect and confidence. Some people like Neo and Serb have changed my life in one way in another wither it being helping me with work or teaching me new things. This clan if you do get in and aim high REALLY teaches you alot...

I have so far loved every moment being in it and hope to forever stay in.



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My best memories? DayZ driving squad with myself and tree. we went everywhere. we were driving across the NW AF asking for pickups, tree was driving and i was shotgun. tree gets sniped he laughs his ass off i look his body,(dont get killed) get in the car (the ceerr) drive off then get shot at. tree respawns in electro. i go to pick him up and when i do i see a guy and i try to run him over, but b 4 i do i ask if it was tree, he said no. so i go to run this guy over and all i hear over the in game mic is "YOLO". and then i see in the bottom left corner of the screen, TR33 was killed.

2nd best memory? Probably playing JB with tree.

we get same cell

happy as fuck

both buy large bombs

they beep beep

11/12 CT's alive

start playing where da hood @ in my mic

both yolo out of cells

boom whole CT team.

Last CT


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