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Can I get unbanned Author of jb_castleguarddev_v5

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Sorry if I'm sounding like a dick but your making it seem like I swatted or ddossed him . I was the mapper , I had nothing to do with this besides me making the map. Sorta mean to say that you should be ashamed.

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yall niggas need to calm down. holdin grudges on the wrong ass people, lil bitches -1'n this thread and have no idea what happened. whats he gonna do inflitrate our servers and give our secrets away? lul Zeal hacked on one of the xG servers and he's still chillin on em


logic mayne its too trippy

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I completely forgot about that last part. I've changed my mind, don't unban this kid. I don't care if you weren't involved, a game isn't shit and you should know that. You don't deserved to be unbanned, do you know how much harm your clan could have caused to somebody in real life? It's not a game anywhere, its real life where people can be killed. Please leave.


Honestly, I could care less if I was banned from all xG servers if it THREATENED someone else's life. The previous leader of your clan was a sick person, and I hope you are ashamed for being associated with him.


And again, I hope I don't hear an excuse from you saying you weren't involved. Frankly it doesn't matter. No argument matters. No gaming BS is more important than the safety of somebody and their family. This should serve as message to ALL gaming communities that if you choose to be a part of a clan that does this stuff, then its on YOU - face the consequences. I hope you understand.

@@serbiansnaga @@Neo


I urge both of you. PLEASE, don't let this happen.


Fucks sake Gawd, you act like he was the person doing all the dirty work. Like he said in his post, he's the mapper. There was NOTHING he could do to prevent what happened from happening. He was seriously just an innocent bystander trapped in the center of that community because he too, was having his life threatened. At first, I was kind of suspicious about this kid, but now that I know more than just one side of the story, I completely and fully understand where he's coming from.


Please do not confuse him as the person who swatted Aegean or DDosed several members of the xG community. That was not him. As soon as he heard about the situation, he left the clan, and continued to get death/swat/ddos threats. So again, he's not the person putting peoples lives at risk. He was, unfortunately, just the person caught in the middle of a very, very sticky situation.


Stop telling him he should be ashamed and all this nonsense when he was also a victim of this shit.

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I honestly thing you should unban him. He probably was an innocent bystander and if he didn't want the map to be shared he wouldn't have put it on gamebanana. When this all happened I didn't hear this guy get mentioned at all by people who were there when the NO3 guys made DDoS threats and whatnot. +1 to unban. At least give him a chance.

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I'm not going to -1 or +1 this but I just wanted to put my input. We (as in xG) have given a lot of people some chances that they probably didn't deserve. But from what I can tell (I was not there that's why I'm not -1 or +1ing) he did nothing. So why doesn't he get a chance? He might have been in the community, @@Gawd but he wasn't a power player that could do anything and if @@highhthere. is right then he disagreed with the actions. So I guess I'm trying to say, if we are willing to give other people chances then why not someone who honestly didn't do anything?


So yeah. That's my 2 cents.

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If I remember everyone who was there correctly, then the only person to have posted in this thread that was actually there those nights was starbuck (and now me) and starbuck has the higher say than me because he was there talking to them about various things trying to deal with it, the reason i say i was there was because myself and a few others were in TS those late nights when this was all taking place and we were all talking about it as it was happening and relaying information. so quite frankly i don't think anyones opinions whether positive or negative should be taken into account in this thread except for starbucks and anyone else who WAS THERE when this was happening and by there i mean in TS and talking to those directly involved as it happened. not people who were just in xG or read about it/heard about it.


So if others were to post who were there, maybe they could give thoughts.


as for me I would have to say -1, due to the fact that Aegean's family and his own life were put in danger, and if I am not mistaken, when you guys (including you) apologized about what happened, it was shortly after that, that you guys (referring to NO3 higher ups [potentially including you]) called Silence's family (I believe his mother if I am not mistaken) and said that he was dead.


these are my thoughts as a bystander who had been in TS pretty much the entire time those days these events took place, and I support @@Starbuck in his statement that due to what happened it is in the better interest to keep you (referring to you and all of the NO3 staff/members) banned.

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I know what I said was harsh, but I regardless of hate I may receive, I'm standing by my decision. I know you might have meant no harm, but I personally think that SOME type of message should be sent. If people know that their leader is doing this kind of thing, they need to leave! I understand you might not have, but some kind of precedent needs to be set. Even if it requires keeping one person banned. If it prevents future events like this from happening, I would personally volunteer to be banned. Maybe it's not the fairest thing to do, keeping you banned, but I think that hopefully it would prevent future events like this from happening. HG group banned us, and for good reasons - until we were unbanned anyways, and it's not to discriminate on individual people in our clan, it was to set a message. I feel like if we would unban you, even if you are a nice person ( which I don't want to judge since I don't know you, I'm sure you're a decent person) then it would say that people can get away with these things. We don't know who was directly responsible for EVERYTHING, even though we proved you aren't, whats to stop others from making an appeal. Some things take priority over being unbanned from a gaming server, that's all I'm saying. Maybe I'm biased from what happened to Aegean, but idc.

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I talked to him, I was there for all the situations involving post-swatting incidents, and I do remember him leaving and not rejoining. I believe he should be unbanned, and remember, all this shit happened to me. I completely understand why you would want to keep him banned, and if you decide to then he understands why and doesn't blame you guys. I personally would give him a chance because he did sound sincere and as I said, if anyone should be -1'ing it, it should be me or starbuck. He just wants to play on the servers, might as well let him. The leaders should discuss then decide but yeah I figured my input would help after talking to him.


Just my 2 cents.

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I'm still paranoid about any people from that sickening clan appearing around us. But if Aegean (the one that got the worst from them) says to give them a chance well I guess give them a chance.

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If link says give him a chance, believing that he only wants to play on the servers then I believe he should be given another chance, not saying my opinion matters, I'm just looking at all the threats and making my own conclusion to this case. My 2 cents.

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I talked to him, I was there for all the situations involving post-swatting incidents, and I do remember him leaving and not rejoining. I believe he should be unbanned, and remember, all this shit happened to me. I completely understand why you would want to keep him banned, and if you decide to then he understands why and doesn't blame you guys. I personally would give him a chance because he did sound sincere and as I said, if anyone should be 'ing it, it should be me or starbuck. He just wants to play on the servers, might as well let him. The leaders should discuss then decide but yeah I figured my input would help after talking to him.


Just my 2 cents.


Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality.


I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts.

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