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Proper ways to vouch

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It seems many of you either didn't read the entire application process or just don't remember how to properly vouch. Looking through the member and mod submission forums I am seeing down right wrong ways to vouch for someone. here is a refresher course...


The Vouching Template:


Decision:This will be the "" or "" you give a member


Why: Why did you give this member a “" or a ""


-Could include negative comments such as: “douche bag, freekiller, has a high-pitched voice, never should be warden, does not know the MOTD, etc.”

-Could include positive comments such as: “Very mature, respectable member, knows the MOTD, etc.”

(Include maturity for your positive/negative vouch)



Activity: What servers are they on the most? What server do you see them on? What games are they on the most? CS:S, TF2, Minecraft etc.


An example of the template:




Why: Hes a good person, he respects others, he does what he can to enforce the rules, hes contributing to the clan by posting ideas on how to make the servers better.


Maturity: He tends to talk when its not really needed but stops when someone asks him to, he doesn't contribute to trolls when they are on the server, he keeps his cool most of the time


Activity: Hes active on RPG surf, and jailbreak, he is also active on the saxton hale server


INCLUDE A NUMBER SCALE FOR ACTIVITY AND MATURITY, 1 BEING ON THE LOW END (immature, not active), 10 BEING ON THE HIGH END (very mature, very active)




If you don't want to write it that way, you can make it something like this:


", serbian does not know the MOTD very well. Even though he is very active on the jailbreak server, he has been CT banned for freekilling too much. He also mic spams, talks over warden almost every round, and is not respectable with people he plays with."


That would be a relevant vouch. We are not asking you to write a paragraph, summary, or essay describing the player, you just need to include the necessary parts in order for your vouch to count.




Minimum Vouching Requirements


Here is the link to the MEMBER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES thread in case you want to know where this info is located.

Member Submission Guidelines. (Read)


It's quiet easy to do things the right way.

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shits too hard. just gonna go ahead and put +1 or -1 and leave no reason cuz yolo, generally i have a good reason either way when i vouch (points to D in name)

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because spartacus feels that the people in the CS:GO div don't vouch properly and that we shouldn't take their vouches into account because they are mostly poopy heads who don't want to explain their +1 or -1

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