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HLDJ 4 xG Members Only

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So, lately in the servers there have been tons of HLDJ spammers. (Not naming names) Rules have been changed, people have been warned but they wont stop. The majority of these spammers aren't in xG because they are irresponsible and keep spamming. So me and a few others think HLDJ should be for members only. Because all members are responsible enough to handle it. Thanks-Abraham Lincoln

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I feel like this would make some people mad...but it's a great idea. xG members know the rules, so that means alot less spam....also no offense but it would stop onward from his spam fest. you should repost this in css discussion.

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Didn't.... you spam HLDJ? and aren't you an xG member.....? And that makes regular members...... more responsible......? in all honesty xG members are the ones who actually donate, and they are thus the ones with HLDJ. meaning that most HLDJ Spammers by basic law of proportionate relation are xG members.


like you...


HLDJ issue is fine the way it was originally IMO I never saw an issue with it, if someone kept spamming after being told to stop numerous times just kick and ban em worked perfect.

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Indeed, there isn't a need to restrict hldj to member of xG only. And you say it's the non-member who's been doing this? i believe you were a part of those constant spammers if i remember. Just because you're apart of xG doesn't make you responsible at all, you're just like any other players of the server with no benefits to bypassing any rules.

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This isn't the solution to the problem, it don't think we should punish everyone because of a select few people. I think the solution is a better definition of what HLDJ spamming is. As mods/admins there is not much we can do regarding HLDJ spam since you can play clips of 2 sec or less in length on normal days. When someone keeps playing 2 sec clips (which are different each time) there is really no spam, they are technically following the rules. I think it would be good to get some mods/admins/dm/poncher together and figure out what we want to consider spam. The rule that came out recently solves some issues, but fails to address the constant short clip spamming.

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