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Whos Going To Be The Next Co-Leader?

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Let is be known first that this thread is not to insult anyone in xG in any shape or form.


This, I think, is a serious question. There are many people who can easily step up and take the position, but I don't think really anyone comes directly to mind of who should be promoted. I know its a question that really is only going to be decided by the current Co-Leaders and Silence, but I really cant think of anyone that just screams "this guy should be co-leader". And dont get me wrong, there are tons of great Division leaders and Division Managers out there, who do great at their job, but that's their job. To be the leader of a specific division.


How I see it is, Co-leaders must be extremely active, reach a extremely mature standard that not many people can meet, have the patience to co-run everything, and basically never be an asshole to anyone unless they absolutely deserve it. And no one at this time I think can meet these requirements. Some people may disagree with me, some people may think there are plenty who could do the job. And yes, there are plenty who can do the job, but the question is who CAN BE a Co-Leader.


Maybe its just that in my own personal experience ive had troubles with a lot of the higher ranks back when they were mods and admins. For example @@Chrono is a great guy. He is very smart and very good at getting shit done. But at one point we both got each other on the xG shitlist. Basically 1 misstep to being kicked out of xG. Now a lot has changed since then, and ive seen no problems at all since that time, but with a Co-Leader, should there have ever been a problem? And I don't mean to say that Chrono would be a bad co-leader, I think he, along with many others would be a great co-leader.


But I think the question this time around shouldn't be who deserves co-leader, but rather, who would be the best co-leader at this point in time. Because, I don't think think anyone would be promoted to co-leader if it were not for Serbian leaving.


And again, I don't mean to insult anyone, or offend anyone, or question anyone's abilities, or question the decisions of the current co-leaders and silence. I just wanted to put forth my own opinion of our current situation.

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Wait im confused, Serbian didnt say he was leaving? He said he'll be inactive for like 2 weeks.....


er, right.. didn't serbian just step down from co-leader? not only what you said. :p, i think that's what he was trying to mean

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er, right.. didn't serbian just step down from co-leader? not only what you said. :p, i think that's what he was trying to mean


Oh shit, I thought that topic was a joke. Then I guess........Yea I don't know


I'ma just quit -.-

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