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Member Submission Guideline CHANGES

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The following changes to member applications go into effect now-ish.


* Applicants must wear the tag "-xG-r-" (exactly) at all time on our servers


Why? This will help all players identify you as being a recruit or applicant, giving them the ability to more easily find you and vouch for you on the forums. This should also eliminate advertising and clear up any confusing on whether or not it is allowed.


* Your application will be closed after 2 weeks if you are not accepted or declined by that time. You must wait a minimum of one month to re-apply


Why? We expect to see people getting more vouches faster with the new tag, so there's not point in an application being open longer than that. At that point we could easily make the argument that you are not very active and/or you don't stand out (in a good way or a bad way).


Current applicants are encouraged to follow these new guidelines, but it is not a requirement for applications that are already open.

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Not like bashing you or anything what so ever but who said you could do this?

Seems kinda stupid the tag thing.





It would just make it more confusing. People who just started playing on the server would look, see someone with "xG" and seeing how there are many people who put random shit in their name accompanied by xG, e.g.


xG:N(ut)B(utter) (I made that up, but you get my point).


It would have to be something different for it to work, because it basically makes them seem like they're already in xG.

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Seems like a good idea but it'll confuse people as to who is actually in xG and you don't want some people who apply to be thought to be xG members as it'll make the clan look bad.

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The tag requirement seems annoying.

It could give the xG tag a bad look if members who are applying are really irritating/break the rules.


I do like the close after 2 weeks, just seems like common sense.

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It could give the xG tag a bad look if members who are applying are really irritating/break the rules.


Right, because our members are sweet angels brought upon us for salvation.

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This was discussed among myself and co-leaders over the last month, and it's been up on the admin boards for a few days - why you people didn't chime in there is beyond me.

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This was discussed among myself and co-leaders over the last month, and it's been up on the admin boards for a few days - why you people didn't chime in there is beyond me.




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The tag requirement seems annoying.

It could give the xG tag a bad look if members who are applying are really irritating/break the rules.


I do like the close after 2 weeks, just seems like common sense.


Quoting Sham because it's exactly what I want to touch on, but really in reply to everything...


There's been long long discussion about closing applications after a set time frame, so finally implementing it will be nice.


But closing applications in a time period leads to people not feeling like they had a chance, and the tag clears that up. It allows players, members, admins, anyone to know who people are and that they are applying. Giving people a better chance at getting more vouches - good or bad - quicker.


And like I was trying to say in my previous "salty" post... I merely presented this idea to Serbian, who then came back to me with the tag idea, and we chatted about it. I talked to other co's and div's and got nothing but positive feedback. Then I posted it on the admin board allowing everyone else to comment and again only heard good things. And finally, when things were settled, I PM'd all the mods/admins/divs who were online and AGAIN heard nothing bad... not sure why everyone has a beef with it now all of a sudden when you all had ample opportunity to object or make suggestions.


I could also note that most other clans do this.

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There is no need for this imo.


And btw xG rebels is xG r so yeah....


Applicants are told to wear -xG-r- exactly, not xG:R

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