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Lollerskater and the motd...

Should the rule be removed?  

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  1. 1. Should the rule be removed?

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So lets take a look at this specific rule that has been getting a lot of hate because of lollerskater


" For example, if the Warden tells the CTs to stay away from a specific area, they must follow. If a CT does not follow the orders, they will be slain or Team Banned."


So Lollerskater here does this:


There is a rebel in four corners (With a gun I suppose) and Lollerskater sends the two last cts in to kill him. (3 in total witch would make lollerskater last ct if they both die)

*What goes down*

Loller orders the two last ct's to go kill the rebel barricaded in a room with a gun.

The two ct's do not want to go in there because they know they will die.

Lollerskater "Go in there or im slaying you both"

One goes in and dies (Leaving loller and the other ct)

The other ct starts negotiation about knife fighting, the terrorist agrees.

Loller goes in with the other ct to try and taze the T, he missed. The t kills the other ct and loller gets last ct.


My two problems with this:

1: Loller is practically giving himself last ct. (If the T has enough skill he can EASILY kill the two ct's)

2: People complain about this saying it is unfair and should be removed (So far I have around 10 complaints)


One of things have to change:

This rule be removed from the motd permanently or modified.

Lollerskater needs to be talked to.


I personally think he could have delt with this another way without being a dick

but IMO the rule needs to be removed.

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Basically if the rule were to be edited. All I could see as being edited would be to add this clause on to the end of it:


"Warden may not force the CTs to go into a 'death trap' when there are 3 CTs or less left, including warden. (Death trap would be something such as a one entrance room that the rebels can easily camp the one door for.)"


Opinions? +1 -1


Would prefer if you +1 or -1 in a post with a reason why you give it such.


Giving a couple days for opinions.

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The rule might need changed around, but in terms of enforcing rules, yes, Lollerskater is strict about rules, but he isn't breaking rules by enforcing them. This situation, I'm not entirely sure about, and while I am the one that orginally brought it up, maybe we can have @poncher @@Duckii @Brian give their input on the rule?

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I feel that the fact that this situation caused Last CT to occur may affect some people's opinions on this. Therefore, I'd like to bring up a scenario:


There are 2 Ts left, and 12 CTs. There is one armed T, known to be rebelling in a particular room with one entrance.


Since there is a plentiful amount of CTs left, wouldn't it be fine to order the CTs to rush in there and kill the rebel? Everybody knows that in CSS, when it's 12 vs. 1, 99.9% of the time, the 12 people will be victorious (no deaths will be in vain).


In situation Warrior described, the tone in which he wrote his post suggests that I deliberately told the CTs to go in there because there were 3 CTs left in total so that I would obtain last CT . The fact is, even if there were 4 CTs left....9 CTs left...or even the whole team, I would have ordered every CT except for myself to go into that room.


If the warden has no control over telling CTs to go get rebels in certain rooms, the round could be delayed -- just like what happened in today's situation.

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After reviewing what others had to say, while it is cheap to send a CT to their death with threatening a slay. It would ultimately lengthen the round if we removed this rule. As a T who rebels as much as he can. I know that when people die at the beginning of the round that is the longest 8 minutes ever.. Sometimes more when the round takes several minutes past 0:00.


While it was a very good idea. This would potentially cause people to leave that joined the round late and have to wait several minutes to play.

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+1 to chronos idea a clause would be great. i saw this today done by loller just as described on lego jail. nothing technically wrong just kinda a dick move.

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+1 to chronos idea a clause would be great. i saw this today done by loller just as described on lego jail. nothing technically wrong just kinda a dick move.

If something ain't broke, don't try and fix it! Honestly, this almost never happens, and it really even isn't against the rules. While I don't think that Loller should be saying "go in there or you'll be slayed", this really doesn't seem to be a problem whatsoever. At the very least, adding this rule would only delay a round where something like this happens further. -1.

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I completely disagree with the removal of this rule for many reasons. First of all, as Loller has stated, it really depends on the scenario or the context of the order itself.


It is one of those rules where Legally it is right, however it is Ethnically wrong to send that CT to their death.


Now, in some cases people will deem it Unjust to send a CT to an area with rebels in it. If this were the case, nothing would be achieved until either that T comes out and continues to rebel, or receives a pardon. What if that T continues to decline that pardon? Also be aware that a T can camp that area unless it is deemed a cheap spot or is a vent, making the whole round delay even further. What if it is already 0:00? Not only is this delaying the round, but it's causing too many problems. This is why the Warden is entitled to command the CTs. The warden him/herself should Not have to search for rebels.


I cannot even agree with Chrono's suggestion (as diabeetus said), because something like that could also delay the round even further.


All in all, this is something that really can't be solved without making it even worse then it already is. LollerSkater did not do anything wrong, however I wouldn't have instigated a threat with a slay for something like this. Now i'm not sure if what Warriors said is exactly quoted from Loller, but a simple reminder that it is a slayable offense would suffice.


In this sort of situation, I would have offered a pardon for the rebel in order to keep the round from delaying any further. If they decline the pardon, then I would have sent both CTs in after them. I myself would go with them, however a CT should be with the non-rebelling T at all times.


In conclusion, what LollerSkater did was justified and does not require some sort of talking-to. I would merely suggest that Loller be more lenient at times like this to prevent any further delay of the round before resorting to what he did. -1 for the removal of the rule, as well as for the implementation of a 'clause'


- Dat guy, Forest

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tbh xG Jailbreak use to be the chillest and funniest shit to play now it feels like its up tight reason I stoped playing CSS Jailbreak and Warrior not to dis respect but I dont think people should QQ about this its fucking funny when ppl rush a rebeling T and they are told to because Warden has power over everything essentialy it just makes it funny but I guess if you like to stick up for rules and have a tight ass about it then I guess your on the wrong server at least that what it was back in the day ppl would tell you to go play fucking NO3 jailbreak to have that hard ass jailbreak but like i said xG jailbreak aint what it use to be and I was here b4 most and im sure many old xG mems would agree with this

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Forest said it perfectly. This doesn't happen very often. If the rule were amended, it would only cause the round to delay. There was nothing wrong with what loller did in my opinion. -1.

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Forest said it perfectly. This doesn't happen very often. If the rule were amended, it would only cause the round to delay. There was nothing wrong with what loller did in my opinion. -1.


That's what I said. I merely offered a clause to be added IF there was substantial need for it. As I stated to warrior we have had that rule for almost 2 years now and there has been no problem until people decided to get progressively worse at CS that they can't kill 1 camping rebel.

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