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TheLostCause Moderatorator Sub

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I have been in the clan for a year now and people have come and gone and friends have come and gone and most of them have beens mods and well i think its about time i wanted to step up and take some authority within the clan. I Know the rules and play on the servers a lot mostly jailbreak and minigames. I have bascily grown up in these servers in i have grown to making some good friends which most of whom have left and miss them dearly. Most people know and i know most people. Although i have been a little inactive over the past month just because i have been busy with school and with my friends but i will be a lot more active if i do have moderator. I hope you +1 because i believe that i have enough responsibility to be able to handle the responsibilities of a Mod in Counter Strike Source. I will try my best to work hard in the clan and be a great moderator within the clan. Thank you for your time and please +1 me. Once again thanks for the ride of a lifetime its been great so far and i hope to make it better.




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EDIT: Personally, I think I can now overlook the slight post spam after a little bit of thought. I understand completely the feeling of wanting to get mod, but simply not having enough posts. While I've been in the clan for significantly less time than you, it's still a tough feeling, and I get where you're coming from. Changing to a +1. You definitely know the rules very well, and you clearly have a genuine dedication to the clan. You're also a pretty chill guy in-game, and you are certainly material for a great mod.

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Going to remain 0


  • Spammed Posts
  • Recently seen you active (Within a couple days)
  • Need to spend more time in servers


Not Going to be rude, because I am no better than you are, However you gotta push yourself! Keep your activity up and I might change to +1

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He's been a very active member on our Jailbreak server, he's already met all the requirements. Although he did spam for post count, he's been a great member, active on both servers and Teamspeak, and a friendly player, I'll go ahead and +1 this.

M: 9/10

A: 9/10

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