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Going out with a Bang Bang

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Been thinking about it for awhile. So here we go.


My life story (in xG):


Before I was in xG I had bought GMOD with only with TF2 textures and played a Surf server there. The only reason I got CS:S was to get more textures lol. xG's RPG Surf was the first server I saw and the only server I ever played on from then on.


After awhile I decided to apply. I only got a few +1s due to only playing on that server. I was told to play JB so I could get to know the community a bit. So I did. But it sure didnt help!


When ever I joined always got banned because I never read the !motd. I havent read it still lmao! But eventually I caught up on the rules by playing and managed to get into xG by a slim margin. I then went back to playing RPG Surf where I managed to get #1 ranked on the server. I did that for about 2 weeks before I wasnt on for 2 days. I went down to position #6 and just gave up.


After that I started playing JB a lot more. It was quite fun after I got used to it and met some good friends. I played on JB for awhile before I eventually applied for mod so I could try to help out on the server. Everything went smooth until Brock Obama attacked, well more like I attacked him. I apparently made him cry even though he was a huge troll to begin with. I basically ended up getting denied because of it.


After I got denied I got pretty pissed. I then wanted powers to be powerful and not to be helpful. So eventually Silence allowed people to buy mod and admin, so I bought PA. I really dont think anyone even remembers this too!


My experience with being PA were short lived. As I still hadnt read the !motd and received lots of shit because of being a PA. I got demoted to Mod pretty quick. But in the process I got myself, Chrono, Duke, and Minecrack put on the shitlist. Though I was kinda proud that I brought the major trolls down with me, I look back on it and see how much of an asshole I was. Though now I have grown from it and are friends with most of them lol.


After JB I got into a lot of DayZ and TF2 again and I wasnt as active on JB anymore. I tried getting a DayZ server going for xG before it was a big thing. At this point my power frenzy had died down and getting a DayZ division was about 75% wanting to help clan 25% wanting power. The server was a fail due to how shitty DayZ was at the time.


Nothing really happened between now and then besides me getting Div of WarZ which was no longer about getting power, but being helpful without moderating on games I didnt play anymore.


The WarZ Division:


I just want to have this here because I really think WarZ is a good game. Though I know the division will be shut down when I leave most likely, it was fun. Kinda pissed that a lot of trolls ganged up on it, but w/e.




@Brian I think you are a great guy. Though I wish you were active on the forums more.


@@Duckii I think you too are a great guy, you need to be more active on the forums too. BTW, why do you say meow if you name is Duckii???


@@Forest I played with ya some on JB if you remember me. You seem to be very mature. I hope you stay in xG and be a great co-leader, you are the best ive seen so far


@Pepper I respect you for being a good Co-Leader when you were. Other than that, you seem to be ok. You act like a dick sometimes, but who cares right? Your not Co any more so you can do what you want.


@@serbiansnaga Hope you get Co-leader again, we need it.


@@Chrono Looks like you win. You are the only remaining survivor of the shitlist! <3 U


@@tree Bang Bang




@@HaaDron I comen for ya baby. Also mind readn below and telling everyone 4 meh?


@@Deodate Hey dickwad. Whats up? Oh. Remember how you and highhthere got a girl to try to troll me while I was drunk. You then lied on the forums saying you didnt. Ya. Go ahead Haadron tell em what you heard him brag about on Deegroot Keep after our Highlander match. (I can add the pic of the conversation if ya dont want to get involved Haadron).


@@Salt GG No Re Faggot.


And finally, @autumn


Ive had mixed feeling about you from the start. In the beginning all the non-members and members flocked to you when ever you joined the server. I always thought you were the coolest, you still are pretty cool. I think that you get a lot of shit around xG that you dont deserve. You have put a lot of time and money into xG that I dont think many think about. I mean you have to take some blame for the shit that has gone down, but not for all of it. I wish you the best of luck with xG.


Other Shit:


Just for all you out there that say xG is dieing, its not. xG has gone through a shit ton of generations, I was part of Generation 2. And all of you new guys are Generation 3. With Generation 1, most of those people have left xG never to return, or they just stalk the forums and servers in a non-clan state. Either way, whats happening now has happened before, just on a smaller scale. So dont freak out. Dont leave just because everyone else is. Thats not why im leaving.


Why im Leaving:


Im leaving because ive done a lot for xG. Some good some bad. But xG has affected my real life more than it should have. Video games are video games and shouldnt be taken as serious as alot of people do. I sure took it way to seriously. Infact I teared up a little as writing this. I love this clan, and it will live on without me. I hope it doesnt like just because people say it is when its not. Its fucking retarded.


More Shit:


@autumn If I had it my way, I think I would start xG all over again. A complete wipe. Get back to xG's roots. There isnt enough money coming in to be making a lot of new divisions. Its fine to keep them open so people can meet up and play, but no more servers. I think you need to focus on JB a lot. We used to be number 1 but were not anymore and that sucks. I just think by focusing on one simple thing xG can do better. I mean its the reason why xG did so well in the first place. Anyways, do what you want and again best of luck.


Special Report:




So awhile back I got some proof saying that you were banning people for having stupid names. Kinda pisses me off. Silence even said to me that you do it all the time, and thought that it was in the rules that you could. Worst of all, I found out about it when some guys were laughing about it saying you did it once to get a laugh out of the people on the server. Thats fucking low.


I think you the most power hungry, abusive, pieces of shit I have ever seen. You come on "your" server drunk, bad mouth all the division that isnt "yours" and then abuse. You even have a private build server that the clan is paying for that you say you can deny anyone who applies to join it for any reason and no reason. Mature shit.


So I tell you what. Because you really are the only one who knows how to work all the code shit for GMOD and because xG needs its higher ups, im going to cut you some slack here. If you come out and apologize for this shit. Including apologizing to all the divs you insulted. As well get a damn written admin ban lengths for Gmod. I wont post it.


Oh and another thing. Derp, who is a great mod. Basically permed 4 people for me when he wasnt ever on the server. He join asked another if it happened and then permed them. And it wasnt until some guy who was a regular who mass RDMed and left to change his name that you jumped in and told Derp not to listen to me anymore.I even had a Demo at the ready and multiple people came to Derp and told him it happened. But you still told him not to. Ya. Great way to run a division.


/End Rant


So with the Rant ended I take my leave from xG. I wish all of you the best of luck except the people I insulted. Thats it. Cya guys.


-Gone with a Bang Bang


P.S. This doesnt take affect until the WarZ server's times up in a week or so, until then Ill keep recruiting.


P.P.S. I permed someone, not saying who, from the forums and it wasnt highhthere, Silence beat me to that.


P.P.P.S I created a Steam Group for all xG people who have left to keep in contact with each other Steam Community :: Error

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Good to see you still want to bring up things that were supposed to be ended.

I mean, if you really want to blame a trolling incident on me, go for it.


(I can add the pic of the conversation if ya dont want to get involved Haadron).


Showing what Haa-Dron said to you is not even close to proof of me "causing a troll."

And, if you really think that I spoke to her enough to get her to troll you, think again. I had one conversation with the girl. She's not even on my friends list.


Sure, you just blame your idiotic problems on me, Scapegoat Deodate GG.


Anyways, glad you are still bitching over the fact that you got trolled. Even when I tried to help you as it was going on.


Burning bridges are a bad thing to do.

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So awhile back I got some proof saying that you were banning people for having stupid names. Kinda pisses me off. Silence even said to me that you do it all the time, and thought that it was in the rules that you could. Worst of all, I found out about it when some guys were laughing about it saying you did it once to get a laugh out of the people on the server. Thats fucking low.


I think you the most power hungry, abusive, pieces of shit I have ever seen. You come on "your" server drunk, bad mouth all the division that isnt "yours" and then abuse. You even have a private build server that the clan is paying for that you say you can deny anyone who applies to join it for any reason and no reason. Mature shit.


So I tell you what. Because you really are the only one who knows how to work all the code shit for GMOD and because xG needs its higher ups, im going to cut you some slack here. If you come out and apologize for this shit. Including apologizing to all the divs you insulted. As well get a damn written admin ban lengths for Gmod. I wont post it.


Oh and another thing. Derp, who is a great mod. Basically permed 4 people for me when he wasnt ever on the server. He join asked another if it happened and then permed them. And it wasnt until some guy who was a regular who mass RDMed and left to change his name that you jumped in and told Derp not to listen to me anymore.I even had a Demo at the ready and multiple people came to Derp and told him it happened. But you still told him not to. Ya. Great way to run a division.


@Deodate Hey dickwad. Whats up? Oh. Remember how you and highhthere got a girl to try to troll me while I was drunk



1) We have legitimate reasons behind KICKING (not banning) those people.

2) I don't drink so I wouldn't go on my server "Drunk". Just ask Aeon, I don't drink. Not a fan.

3) I badmouth your division because you badmouthed it on my server (My entire div is witness to this.)

4) The private build server isn't being paid for. It is part of a box and uses like no resources. I denied you because I didn't think you were mature enough (Or liked by more then 10 members) to play around without breaking rules.

5) I have nothing to apologize for.

6) I told Derp to go in and do those perms, silly. If you knew how admining worked you would know that Aeon and I have a nearly constant watch over the server.


Just because I run a strict server doesn't mean I am abusive. But a person who constantly edits other people's forum posts (you), derails threads (you), and is a complete hypocrite about a division which requires no skill to run (guess who!), and has caused the most problems with other members (we actually did the math, it is you)is sure one hell of an abusive idiot.


TL;DR: You don't know how many people are happy right now. We were actually all planning on member protesting you.


P.P.P.S I created a Steam Group for all xG people who have left to keep in contact with each other Steam Community :: Error

We already have a group called "xG-Retirement Home"


TL;SDR: Duplolas was an ignorant member from the beginning who was literally just about to be member protested.


Note to admins: I am not hating on him here, I am just telling him why he is wrong.

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For Deo:




For Charrax:






Im leaving because ive done a lot for xG. Some good some bad.






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Honestly @@Duplolas, that is the shittiest proof I have ever seen. Just a picture of Haa-dron saying he remembers it, weeks after it happened is no proof at all. Where is the picture of the chat you had with me? I told you I never saw Deodate getting someone in to troll you at all. I do, however, remember a girl joining in and talking with us, you never got mad, you never got angry, nothing you did made it sound like you didn't want her there. I also want to know what you are looking to accomplish from all this. You both are out of xG. You want Deodate banned for what he did (even if he didn't do it)? Well, ok, get him banned for around a week in servers he doesn't even go on anymore. Congratulations.

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Honestly @Duplolas, that is the shittiest proof I have ever seen. Just a picture of Haa-dron saying he remembers it, weeks after it happened is no proof at all. Where is the picture of the chat you had with me? I told you I never saw Deodate getting someone in to troll you at all. I do, however, remember a girl joining in and talking with us, you never got mad, you never got angry, nothing you did made it sound like you didn't want her there. I also want to know what you are looking to accomplish from all this. You both are out of xG. You want Deodate banned for what he did (even if he didn't do it)? Well, ok, get him banned for around a week in servers he doesn't even go on anymore. Congratulations.


I dont want him banned, he just lied saying I made it up on an earlier thread. Was just letting everyone know he did lie. Had it on my mind :D Oh and what I was asking you was if you heard him bring it up in the Degroot keep map. He brought it up laughing about him doing it, thats what I was asking ya about.


- - - Updated - - -


Bang Bang

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