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Towlie's Official Goodbye

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"Xg was a good clan and that I will always miss everybody even though somepeople thought I was a troll that I still will miss everybody and hope that WolvenDominion and XenoGamers can be friends forever. Abraham is one of the best xg members and hopes that one day he will be a co-owner" Towlie wanted me to post this #Towlie4Co-Lead

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I can't even count the amount of fucks that I will give on someone saying 'goodbye for the final time' when he already said his goodbye and was perm'd from all xG. and then is now trying to make a new clan, which their admin handbook and ranking structure is the exact same.


Do you want to know why I can't count it on one hand? Because there are none.


Towlie is copying and pasting application formats directly into his little shared hosting site without citing the author. Tell him to either cite where he got it or get rid of it.


Don't worry like IG, it will die within a week or two.

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good luck the WD-D, ducki and speedlimit however, yes i agree with autumn. he needs to get his own shit and make his own rules. i mean its not hard at all..

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Wolven Dominion is a Starting out Guild/Clan that is getting itself started. The owners of this wonderfull guild/clan is TowlieTheWizard and Razgrize8. We currently own a Minecraft Server and will own a CS:S server soon. We have a ts server and are willing to share it. We started this Guild because other Guilds and Clans had to much drama' date=' Higher Ups abused powers and just didnt do their job. Well we are here to prove them wrong and show that Clans dont have to be drama. So we decided to create a Clan and are now in the process of owning a CS:S server. So if you would like to talk to us then join us on our TS3 Server. [b']*Excluded so as to not advertise*[/b]


Remember to apply to be member to get better stuff on our servers.


First the grammar. Secondly, the drama he is involved in / knows about is drama that was started because of him.


Like I said in the other thread. 1 month tops, after the first payment is up, and it is gone.

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