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DuckiiJr. - Counter Strike: Source

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Member Name: DuckiiJr.


Division: Counter Strike: Source


In-Game Name: [xG|DB] Duckii Jr. <3 Duckii


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13169406


Banned?: Yes


Donated: Yes


Registered on TeamSpeak: Yes


Further Information: 1. I've been around xG since well...near the start of it actually


2. I've donated


3.I have PLENTY of moderator/admin experience


4. Used to have mod for like 10 months and Admin for 4. Something around that.


5. I try to help populate servers when I feel like it


6. I am a very friendly and kind-hearted person and care a lot about people around here.


7. I would say I know 75% of the people around


8. I'm very active on forums


9. Very active on Teamspeak


10. When I was mod/admin I took my job very seriously


I guess I can't really think of anything else atm.


Thank you all for your opinions :).










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+1 Try and be more active though. You have a definite understanding of the rules. Would make a great Mod for CS:S, we are pretty understaffed at times.


I'm not sure if we need to give an Activity or Maturity scale on this, if we do just comment and I shall!

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+1 be a bit more active on cs:s

Has a clear understanding of rules

very active on teamspeak

one of the most friendly people ik



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-1 after some deep thinking today in my opion you dont seem "idk what to use here so im just going to say " ready for mod again dont get me wrong you are nice to every 1 even the ones who are dicks to you this is just my honest opion

A 5

M 6

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+1 hes active and he knows all the rules and as he said he has experience. i see him on ts3 all the time as well

A : 8/10

M : 9/10

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One of the more (if not most active) members on the forums/TS but could stand to be more active in-game.



D:+1 Knows MOTD.

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PurpleBoo wanted this to be said:

"-1, because you claim to be friendly/kind hearted but yet you always start shit with me, you wallhacked in the servers, and then claimed you only used them because you thought they were "undetected" and now all the newfags are +1ing you and they don't really know about what you've done, and it doesn't matter how many people you know, when a majority of them hate you."

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He's a troll and asshole. I am a kind hearted person. But if you're going to be like THAT to me. Like troll and be a general cocky asshole of course I'm not going to like you very much. I wanted to be friends with him, but as stated above^ I'm nice to almost everyone. You have to be pretty bad for me to really despise you.


And I never claimed they were undetected or anything. You do not have the right to speak when you don't even know the story lol. Why can't we just be friends. Please don't start things on my Moderator Application, thanks. I'm sorry buns for making you feel that way. But it's the shit you say about most people hating me and your cockiness that just irritates me.


Purple wanted this to be said:

-1, because you claim to be friendly/kind hearted but yet you always start shit with me, you wallhacked in the servers, and then claimed you only used them because you thought they were "undetected" and now all the newfags are +1ing you and they don't really know about what you've done, and it doesn't matter how many people you know, when a majority of them hate you."

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Let me be clear I have nothing personal against you.


However there are some actions and things you have said that quite frankly, I think are the stupidest things ever to be said or done. And yes, those have influenced the decision a lot. number 1, will require plenty of backstory, that almost none of it you will find on forums. if you know what happened then you understand the reasoning for it, if not, then just keep in mind that this is a very big influencer. (i.e. oldfags get this shit.)


1. You were in TS with a bunch of us, and linked us to Tarin's steam profile, at first you told us to guess who it was, there were several guesses like netex etc. and then you said "LOL NO it's Tarin." ok? "I should add him and see what he says. lolololol" and then after I explained to you how INCREDIBLY STUPID that was, you said lol w.e i was joking bout it. no. you weren't joking. you were being serious until I had told you how stupid of an idea it was, you had no tone to your voice to even try to say you were joking. (If you understand what is going on here, then you can consider yourself an older fag at this point. around gen. 3 if you came in when this happened.)


2. You said you had been banned before, kudos to you for being honest. But you didn't say why you were banned. or for that matter, why you have 2 steam accounts. You hacked. You were playing scrim, and you were doing pretty bad, and then the next day, you come in and scrim but with hacks on. you got caught, because it was too obvious. and to add on that, the steam account got VAC Banned.


3. You have left xG too many times for me to count at this point, let alone the issue with you being the Division Manager (even if you deleted the post, it still said "Hi I am DuckiiJr. the Division Manager for CS:S") for towlie's new clan Wolven Dominion.


4. Any time someone says anything negative to you, even though they are not trying to offend you, they are actually just telling you areas you mess up, and how you can fix it, you literally cry about it. I have been in Teamspeak at times and you would come in our channel complaining about someone telling you this that and this, and then cry about it for hours on end, to the point where we would password rooms to get away, because you followed us when we left.


5. You troll, don't deny it. you can't even follow simple rules for teamspeak, you would be in public channels for the different divisions, and you would play music, and they would ask you to leave numerous times. and you don't, you don't leave until they have to call one of us div's in the room to ban you for a couple hours.


I could add more, but I will stop at that for now. Mostly because I am playing league.


General Community Activity: 9/10

Server Activity: 5/10

Maturity: 3/10

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