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Mass Freekill Escape Rule

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After two mass freekillers on css jb tonight within 30 mins both claiming at least 10 people, we need an escape rule. My problem is not necessarily with the mass freekillers, there's not much the server can do about tht, but we can make a rule tht helps in the aftermath. Both times i was killed not by the mass freekiller but because i moved when we were supposed to be frozen. I ran cause the kill feed was exploding and it was an obivous mass freekill. Many others and myself ran to escape the freekiller who were eventually killed for moving. Now not only did the freekiller get many people killed by his own gun but he also got more killed tht were just trying to live. I would bet more or just as many were killed for moving to get away from the freekiller, which causes more anger and @admin chat spam after the freekiller is banned. All im saying is tht when there's a mass freekiller Ts should be able to run for it regardless of orders and then after warden can call all Ts back to a spot.


If too long did not read, i think Ts should be able to run from mass freekillers and not get killed for it.



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Pointing out a Mass Freekill and then having everyone be able to run isn't the best of ideas. This can open up a whole new world of tarp. Imagine the following scenario:


Simon Says is in effect. Simon gives a difficult order, and only half the Ts follow it. One CT with a good shot kills nearly all of them so the killfeed spams his name with killing them. Then a T decides to yell "MASS FREEKILL!!" in chat, and the Ts scatter due to this Rule you want implemented.


There's a perfectly good reason why this wouldn't be a great idea. How would you implement a way in which all the Ts are allowed to run in case of a Mass Freekill? If a CT kills 3+ people, and all the Ts start flooding chat with "Mass Freekill!!" they will scatter and run around, causing havoc.


I mean, if you really want this implemented only a CT would be allowed to give the order, and even then, that's too much power to give a CT. Any CT could tarp so hard with announcing a Mass Freekill when it isn't, all it needs is a little confusion.


-1 to have this implemented. It only happens once in a while, and when it does the offender gets Perm'd from CT or the server, lessening the chances of it happening again. I mean, it's really up to the Warden if he tells the Ts to run and hide.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Simon Says is in effect. Simon gives a difficult order, and only half the Ts follow it. One CT with a good shot kills nearly all of them so the killfeed spams his name with killing them. Then a T decides to yell "MASS FREEKILL!!" in chat, and the Ts scatter due to this Rule you want implemented.


a little specific scenario but fair point what if when a admin is slaying the mass freekiller, he also calls freeday.


this might be controversal but it doesnt happen tht often and a freeday always ends quick.

I'm just saying it would prevent alot of admin chat spam and overall bitching.

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Its been addressed before and judging from the lack of frequency I sincerely doubt a major change is in order. All the points were surprisingly covered in @@AbrahamL's thread.

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We said no to that last time. If you die standing there cuz the mass freekiller, sorry. if you die because you moved, it is not a freekill, and is entirely your fault. the mods and admins will deal with mass freekillers accordingly, let them do their job, and you do yours; your job is to follow the orders, or rebel.

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the mods and admins will deal with mass freekillers accordingly, let them do your job, and you do yours; your job is to follow the orders, or rebel.



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But I do think the wardens should be a tad bit lenient when it comes to this. I've been killed for running like hell when there's a mass freekiller. Really just comes down to if the Warden is a nice guy.

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This was covered before, like the others said. You follow the orders of the warden. If there's a mass freekiller and you run, and escape, you've rebelled, and its the wardens choice to pardon you.

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-1, Yeah, As dumb as it is, it's still rebelling, because some Ts may use it as an actual advantage to rebel, most of the time wardens are nice people and in some cases even say "RUN! RUN!" etc.

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When I'm warden I just usually say "All T's run and hide!" While the mass free killer starts killing. Either way its not a big deal, mainly because we have bigger problems to focus on. Mass freekillers come and go, not only targeting xG but every other Jailbreak server. It happens, its a game, your bound to get problems like this.

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I agree with @@DarkWolf6052 , there is no way to prevent the cts from killing you because you moved against orders and plus if you die like @@Chrono said, sorry, but it is not the servers fault but for you moveing, I got free killed 3 times when the ts were stacked and some dumbass decided to massfreekill, anyways I think I should -1 it but also +1 . but the truth is in fact so its a -1

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