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Ban request Mythic and darkwolf

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Mythic


I've heard a lot from one side. If this is true, it's a shame you guys are representing this clan.

I'd like to hear your sides of the story before I say anything.

Thank you.

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sorry i didnt know he mic spammed or anything because it his screenshot all darkwolf said was towlie is unban from teamspeak to talk to duckii. idk, i was there in the channel, with darkwolf,duckii,mythic,zeal. Some guy with mythics and darkwolfs ip, kept saying we got your ip and was disrespecting us. Well anyways duckii already told a few of us "if you get caught trolling on another teamspeak server you will be demoted and banned" or something like that.

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I mean when you come into our teamspeak and troll\micspam Our first intentions are going to be to ban you\disrespect you, You come from xG were most of us left\got kicked out of, Some still go there, Some hang out on ts, But when you come to us out of the blue and troll, Spam our chats, We are going to respond, We grabbed your ip to verify it was you with others. to try and get you banned. We know the rules of xG, we will use them against you, All i can say is stay away from us if your just going to troll.


To add- IF we did this to you, Exact same thing would happen. We would be banned.

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This is not what xG needs from it's Staff Members, and it is completely intolerable behaviour.


I cannot vouch on whether or not any spam was given by Darkwolf, however given the chat spam pic from "ADDDDDD" (Mythic), this is completely over-the-top. It's one thing to enter a channel on Our TeamSpeak server and do this, but it's a whole new level when you "invade" another server and proceed to troll/annoy players on it.


Things like this are what result in other players potentially harassing you or even the clan/community in terms of 'DDoS', 'swatting' etc (Not implying it will happen).


Now, pertaining to any "disrespect", it's a given that if you are intentionally trolling/griefing other players, they Will react in a hostile and aggressive way. Don't expect to disrespect/troll someone and have them not do the same to you.


Mind you, this is all in perspective of the 'offendee' and not the 'offenders'. I would like to see what Mythic and Darkwolf have to say on the matter, and will await that for that before I opt for a solution or punishment if need-be.


- Dat guy, Forest


EDIT: Also, has been requested to be moved to the appropriate section of the Forums, and has been done so.


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I don't want to sound rude or anything here but couldn't it just be that Rabid is mad because Darkwolf banned him? I don't know what even happened here but, if they were spamming on mic there should be some provided recordings. Now the Text from Mythic is unacceptable. However, if they're honestly so upset over this they need to remember this is the internet.


But remember folks, you're representing the clan at all times. Act classy.

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I was in TS when I confronted mythic while ducki was in the channel (guess she was afk or she just didn't respond?), he said he was just bored and admitted to being annoying in our TS after first denying the accusations. The other members even heard him on TS and one told him to stop talking to not make himself look any worse. Psycho took their IP's so he could give it to chrono, serb or whoever could moderate the situation. Saying (we have your IP's) doesn't mean it's a DDoS threat since unlike some people, we don't resort to be scum like that. Something hopefully will be done about the matter.



Serbian Smells.

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Me being mad at the darkwolf thing? i honestly have no reason to be mad? Did you see the message i sent to him? It was a comptletly deserved and legitimate ban. That's completely irrelevant to the subject.

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I don't want to sound rude or anything here but couldn't it just be that Rabid is mad because Darkwolf banned him? I don't know what even happened here but, if they were spamming on mic there should be some provided recordings. Now the Text from Mythic is unacceptable. However, if they're honestly so upset over this they need to remember this is the internet.


But remember folks, you're representing the clan at all times. Act classy.

I have asked for a recording of some sort if anyone took the time out of the LoL match they were in to tab over, load up a recording software and press record, but they have no recording of the voice. The chat spam still has blatant proof provided, with them saying who they are.


As you said "Remember folks, you're representing the clan at all times." As a division leader and division manager, that is no way to act towards players who still actively play on our servers (a few of em get on from time to time, more than I can say for MANY of our older members, especially when you consider they are almost all former members from the OLD OLD times.) especially if you consider that their disrespectful tone with people who came to THEIR teamspeak and started attacking them for no apparent reason, it does not reflect well on the staff we have if these players would do that.


GRANTED: it is a tad ironic that Rabid is making the thread, considering he has joined our teamspeak before, and as he left he would send a very disrespectful comment to Darkwolf, and taking into account all my rude responses to people, it still should have been something they didn't do, sometimes as a Division Manager and Mythic as a Division Leader they should have been the better person.


I can safely say that nobody in that group would do anything malicious with their IP addresses, and that it is safe to believe that the only reason that they grabbed it off of their teamspeak identities was to pass it along to staff in here, to see what could be done.

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Mythic u guys have an hour to respond to ur actions as to why u pulled this shit or ur both getting banned from the servers and teamspeak


edit: talked to mythic, just waiting on darkwolf, ignore the 1 hour or ban thingy

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It's already been explained. I was "ADHD". You can clearly see that all I asked was "Where is Towlie" and "He is unbanned from XenoGamers Teamspeak" then I said nothing else after that. I left their Teamspeak after Rabid said "u guys are bronies" or whatever he said after I said it. I did not use my mic at all, because I knew the moment they heard my voice they would ban me (Guessing by the other teamspeak icon Rabid had, he probably was administrator of the server and was able to ban me)

I do not know about what else happened after I left, anything I know is what I'm hearing from this thread.

Aegean ( @Pepper ) and Serbian ( @@serbiansnaga ) pulled me into a room to talk in private on Teamspeak when I got home just a few minutes ago, and we spoke about it, and I didn't have any involvement in the trolling.

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My perspective, in chat log, Rabid, your chat is more offensive than Mythic or Darkwolf as you see.


<12:cat:5:57> "ADHD": Where is Towlie

<12:cat:6:16> "ADDDDD": wheres towlie

<12:cat:6:18> "ADHD": Tell him he is unbanned from XenoGamers Teamspeak

<12:cat:6:22> "ADHD": For now

<12:cat:6:47> "Rabid": oh

<12:cat:6:49> "Rabid": are u guys bronies?

<12:cat:6:53> "ADDDDD": Nope

<12:cat:6:55> "Rabid": naww

<12:cat:6:56> "Rabid": you are

<12:cat:6:58> "Rabid": probs darkwolf

<12:cat:7:00> "Rabid": kill your self

<12:cat:7:02> "Rabid": lmfaooooo


And like you said, you cannot verify that they mic spammed or anything but by IP.

Without the evidences that they spammed, admins cannot take any actions.


As you see in the chat log, if they ever spammed mic like troll shit, you should have say "STOP" but I never see you take that action. And just bitch about it.


Well, this was just my thinking about this little evidence and I believe admins already took care of it.

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