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Honestly this should be a general protest on how shit is being run right now on the server, and not just at one person. Charrax is in charge so ultimately its his to oversee and he isnt the best with dealing with people, but take away the fact this is just a charrax member protest and i sure you can all agree the way things are being done right now, the server will be dead in a short period of time, even now we are lucky to get it more then half full on a weekend

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Time to finish this.


This is a response to Sousei's post.


1) Admins and Mods are promoted by performance. Venom Destroyer for example. He has been sending me STEAM_IDs for such a long time. So I thought that was a great admin skill to get and report STEAM_IDs.


2) Scooter has been on the server nearly constantly.


3) I dont think you understood Tarik's ban. It wasnt a ban on TTT for what he did on DarkRP. It was a build up of all the douchy things he has done since joining xG. Also that wasn't just me. I asked Aeon and both Super Admins.


4) [MEDIA=imgur]jJZ67AT[/MEDIA] this isn't a threat. This is a warning. Admins warn people all the time. I was actually trying to help you out by notifying you. I said you were doing good recently. The tab was still there. I meant you werent adding to the tab.


5) The original reason for my member protest was ruled false because some of the things that I was being protested on were actually ending up on my side in the long run. Hence why I am Div again.


6) Silence authorized me to use Google Adsense. Stop being so ignorant. It makes (without clicks) 50 cents a day. With clicks about 4-8$ a day. That is really low. In fact if I even tried to put that money towards the server there would be literally, 100 percent, no difference at all.




The declining members are actually (This is after asking old regulars and recent regulars I noticed who stopped playing) because of school. This server was 32/32 in the summer to such a degree that no mods could even join if they had to.



Other server are packed 20 hours out of the day, what changed with xg then? Its non member retention we have a problem with

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1 Charrax is not really a div leader that does much to the server except troll, and since hes the big man that run's things, people laugh and it feels sort of forced to laugh. Otherwise hes on your ass and harrassing you, trying to make you seem like more of a bad guy than you intend. Even though I shouldn't be talking, I'm not of any significance to xG and am sort of allowed to hate on everyone and be a faggot since it won't matter, but Charrax is the one that is supposed to run things like a professional and improving the servers every step. Whats saddening is that the xG servers have been plummeting in player base for awhile, and I don't even need to be on that long to notice the empty servers and low moral. xG Gmod division is taking one step forward one day, and then suddenly it takes another two steps back. Garrys mod division is on the brink of extinction and I think someone else should be raised with a better attitude and mentality to lead the server in the right direction.


Personally, I think Charrax is funny and has a great sense of humor, but he plays himself off as this douche-bag owner of a Garrys mod server who forces jokes and trolls way too much for a server leader.


And also hes not





So uhm, banme

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Also I am adding that all bans are being reset Thursday.


We were supposed to go into a softer banning scheduled after Christmas but we never did. We will don't worry.


This has been planned for weeks. I agree that bans have been harsh. They will be reset Thursday and I have been writing up an Admin Handbook.


Fuzz, you broke so many rules. I yelled at you constantly because you were probably (Most likely ) the worst player. I dont mean by skill. I mean by rule-adhereing and general trolling.

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I'm not Charrax's "pawn". He jokes with me about my age all the time. I don't take it as "meanie makin fun of me, cyberbully, im gonna call the FBI". I think he is the best div leader for GMod. He can script, fix things, and leaves rules strict enough to where we can have fun without it being a server full of rule breakers. In TS he jokes around a lot and when he moves people it's either as a joke or if he needs to talk to someone.



Example of him threatening me and over exaggerating the facts when It wasn't a big deal: [MEDIA=imgur]jJZ67AT[/MEDIA]

He was warning you to stop doing annoying shit. It isn't a huge deal, but it can be annoying. When you do that all the time it builds up into a ban because instead of it being funny like it was the first time, it's really annoying and we are tired of it.


He doesn't need the servers to be active just for money. He wants the servers to be successful and to do his job as a Garry's Mod Division Leader. He doesn't get money for every player that logs on, he gets it when you click on the link in the ad which generally only staff does. Even if he had ads somewhere else like a blog or something, I would still click them to be nice.


Most of the admins or mods are inactive due to IRL things. We have school to go to and families to spend time with. He doesn't promote people he only likes, he promotes people that the community votes to be moderator. He does promote people even if they don't make an app because he thinks they know the rules well and would be a suitable staff member. Xemnas he promoted you even though he doesn't like you very much. He even helped you test your plugin for sprays that you were trying to make.


Although Charrax can sometimes be a bit crude, I don't think you complaining about how he called your plugin bad and him slaying you ingame as a joke or having strict rules counts as abuse or makes the division a so called "dictatorship". You think GMod is so bad why don't you look at CSS. They have a lot more problems then we do.


Edit: To Fuzz,

Who are you calling a douche when you have trolled and spammed and broke so many rules so many times?


Edit: To all of you:


The GMod Division is nowhere near the brink of collapse. We still have people playing and having fun. The servers do get empty sometimes, but if you want it to be populated you must try to populate it. It isn't up to the staff to do everything. There isn't enough of us to populate the servers. That is why you are a member of xG. You can help populate it, just invite your friends and once you have 4 people, more will come on. Its worth it if you just work hard and put time into it.

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Are you kidding? It's up to the fucking mods and admins to sit on the server and populate it. XG jailbreak was dead at one point due to literally a month of extensive DDoS attacks. It was brought back by people who sat on it 24/7 playing and keeping it alive. From what I hear and see, admins bail from gmod when it gets boring.


Also, charred puts up a free ad possibly a stupid 5 second wait ad because he programs for free for the server. Heck, most people cost money. I personally would have charged hourly.

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p.s. during summer it was populated when people from jailbreak went on and populated, after that it stays populated. Most of us don't have time now or those people have left to populate t extensively. That would be your job.

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Also I am adding that Xemnas's photos are not 100% valid. They are edited or leaving out information and (I wont because this is so funny) I could probably ask Aegean or Brian or Duckii or Serbian for assistance because of this forged evidence.

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I was asked to give my 2 cents about charrax, it is known by most even charrax that I didn't like exactly how he handled things and if he fucked up big enough i'd submit a member protest, from what i have seen lately charrax hasn't changed at all, he has everything done his way or you are threatened, when you object demotion threats/ bans are made, he runs the div like a dictatorship if that's what works for you guys enjoy it, if not get a new div.

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Lol you guys take things like this is real life like bro its a game why cant we all just get over this shit. I'm just saying that even though I win the award for the most annoying and rule breaking player, I still have a say because you the people made me a member. I'm just recognizing the fact that things get outta hand.


I just come on here to have fun, not to impress any of you.

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-1 Charrax is my delicious buddy who runs a tight ship full of semen because if he doesn't keep his load in order the servers will go to shit

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Lol you guys take things like this is real life like bro its a game why cant we all just get over this shit. I'm just saying that even though I win the award for the most annoying and rule breaking player, I still have a say because you the people made me a member. I'm just recognizing the fact that things get outta hand.


I just come on here to have fun, not to impress any of you.


Fuzz I do miss you :( But I dont miss your trolling.

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Honestly this should be a general protest on how shit is being run right now on the server, and not just at one person. Charrax is in charge so ultimately its his to oversee and he isnt the best with dealing with people, but take away the fact this is just a charrax member protest and i sure you can all agree the way things are being done right now, the server will be dead in a short period of time, even now we are lucky to get it more then half full on a weekend


Exactly. I have been looking into this.


This protest is all wrong and all this is doing is slowing me down. I was already working on this. Just ask any admin, I said I was making a new handbook publicly and Aeon and I agree'd to reset bans one week ago!


Also all my posts successfully defended my case by proving the false points wrong. Sousei, that was really a warning. I support you as a player.

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Also I am adding that Xemnas's photos are not 100% valid. They are edited or leaving out information and (I wont because this is so funny) I could probably ask Aegean or Brian or Duckii or Serbian for assistance because of this forged evidence.





The photo's are edited due to me having two monitors and print screen takes a picture of both. I cut out the other monitor. Charrax that chat is 100% legitimate, and you know it is. I do not see why you are using the fact that i cut out my other screen as evidence against me. If i was trying to create forged evidence why would i purposely make it easy to tell that some parts are cut out?

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