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Congratz To Xeno Gamers

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Stego you dumbass I like the JB servers in xG. Also I have no problem with xG kid. I still play on the servers and as I said in my Goodbye Thread I still think Silence is a good guy and a good owner.


This is what OP should have said:


"Hey guys, my name is Duplolas! I was probably the most hated member in xG and was voted out for being a douchebag! I was banned permanently across 2 divisions because I broke several rules! I hope to come back only to start more problems and lose even more friends. I like to brag about myself to such a degree where everyone found out where I lived and made fun of my house, after I posted my grades."


Who the hell is Duplolas? He sounds like a cool guy. Though im pretty sure he was only banned on Gmod. And then got permed for perming RPGs from the forums when he left xG as a goodbye present for silence. Oh and then he managed to create a server on one of the shittiest games ever made that had more players on it 24/7 than your own division.

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Who the hell is Duplolas? He sounds like a cool guy. Though im pretty sure he was only banned on Gmod. And then got permed for perming RPGs from the forums when he left xG as a goodbye present for silence. Oh and then he managed to create a server on one of the shittiest games ever made that had more players on it 24/7 than your own division.


Denying who you really are? Lol at least have some self-esteem to not deny yourself kid. You are so pathetic.

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Wow Duplo you reached a new low. You really made a new account hoping that people will forget the insufferable asshole named Duplo. Good job. You really outsmarted us by getting the links to our stuff! I bet you think that Charrax said he was a pro coder who new everything about lua. Well, your wrong! People learn more about coding by asking others. You also think you can lie by saying you got banned for constant rule breaking and for being extremely annoying. We got constant complaints every time you joined the server.


Note: We don't ban bronies as soon as they join the servers, we ban them if they are being obnoxious.


Good job Duplolas, you made yourself look even more stupider!


Once again. I have no clue who Duplo is. But why would I be hiding from anything? I simply made my first account to congratz xG about Charrax being demoted. You can ban this one any time. I just did this to have some fun!

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Someone close this fucking thread.




You can close this thread and ban this account now if you want. I had my fun. Hope you all did too! I look foward to playing TTT again with some of you!

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You are going down the wrong road if you start disrespecting charrax. He may have left but he still has his friends in xG so I would watch what you say. Also trying to start shit with his new clan is probably the most retarded thing I have ever heard. He has no problems with xG. You are the most retarded member that has ever been scrapped of the bottom of xG shoes. Scumbag is probably the best word to describe you Duplo. So I am going to suggest you refrain from posting on the forums again before you get yourself perm'd again. GG kiddo.

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Already banned lol.

BTW for those that didn't already know, or believed the sarcastic denial that he himself was not Duplolas, The name Duplolas used in CSS before he changed it was Stegosuarus, he was still an obnoxious 13 yr. old, and was breaking rules all the time. he would abuse got powers removed, lied about abuse numerous times. then got perm'd.

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