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This Weekend Will Be Eventful

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This weekend for me is going to be extremely eventful it seems. We're going to leave around 12:00PM EST from Ohio all the way down to Texas. My sister, age 14, claimed she didn't want to go home after the court date, and became suicidal, attempting suicide by locking herself in a bathroom with a knife and threatening to eat several Aspirin. So currently shes in a mental facility under a 72-hour watch. My parents, my brother and myself have to go down to get her, since only her biological parents can sign for her release.


So yeah, we're leaving tomorrow at noon, dad wants to make the trip in 18 hours, I don't care how long the road trip is, as long as we can get her home safely.


Don't wanna get in trouble for being inactive, so letting you all know. I'm hoping everything goes well, one good thing is I'm gonna get some long driving practice in.


-DarkWolf6052 / Cris


@@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@Forest @@HighSociety

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well DarkWolf have fun saving your sister... bring us back some texas BBQ sauce. and note this, women are fucking emotionaly unstable so help her A LOT ~from personal expeirence with my best friend~

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dad wants to make the tip in 18 hours

That's just how my dad is. Long trips quickly and quietly.

Oh man. That's terrible. Visit a DQ while you're down there.

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I woke up this morning at 6. Can't get back to sleep, even tried to. We leave in like, 5 hours. Ugh.

Well good luck mate! Can I ask how come you seem a bit disinterested in your sister?

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Well good luck mate! Can I ask how come you seem a bit disinterested in your sister?

I'm very worried about her. I don't see how you think I seem not interested in helping. While I'm getting driving in, I'm much more interested in rescuing her from Texas.

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