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RaZorrr - Counter-Strike: Source

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As well as I posted on Darkwolf's thingie, you also aren't on very much. A:2


I find this very oddly funny that you say you dont see him on much but you're not very active yourself, i'd give you a A:

First things first, autistic double post is autistic. I find it funny how you're trash-talking higher-ups in what looks like some kind of effort to get them to change their votes. Here's the thing, they gave a 0, not a -1. A 0 does not, in any way shape or form, hurt someone's chances of getting in xG. They're just putting in a neutral vouch, as they haven't seen the person on enough to make an opinion on whether or not they should be a member. They aren't insulting him for being inactive, and neither are they -1ing saying that he's too inactive. On the other hand, JWB and Darkwolf are active, and you have to remember that JWB is a DM for Minecraft, meaning that he has another Division to worry about and monitor as well. I'm just giving you some advice, but you and another PM like to act a lot higher up than you actually are, and it really isn't doing anything for you. You are at the lowest possible rung on the staff ladder of xG, and I've seen you get into arguments over incredibly things with Higher-Ups (including Poncher, when you bitched him out about making a joke). In the workplace, the newly hired employee doesn't go around trash-talking his boss. Doing what you're doing isn't going to get you anywhere, it will most likely only hurt you.

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Dashie, I also have college and other things to do in life. I am actually pretty active. I haven't been AS ACTIVE lately but I am generally on a lot.

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I find this very oddly funny that you say you dont see him on much but you're not very active yourself, i'd give you a A:4


As well as I posted on Darkwolf's thingie, you also aren't on very much. A:2


Also keep in mind that this is about Razorrr, NOT darkwolf and john, so if you have a problem with them take it out of this thread because it isn't needed nor isn't relevant, it just makes you come off as a major douche. now remember not everyone is always active all the time and they would love to be i'm sure however, multiple times people have said "REAL LIFE OVER xG FIRST". and as diabeetus mentioned before they aren't insulting him nor -1 his chance of getting into xG, they are providing feedback that would later benefit him in the future. These people have bad powers longer then you and are fully capable for doing your job, just the have priorities and in john's case, another division he needs to watch.


Back to raZorrr, i have seen you played and the times i have seen you on you are fine however as mentioned before i need to see you play more. keeping this to a 0. good luck on the rest of your application!

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i want to have xG in my steam name[/url]

I haven't seen much of you recently, and am curious as to why your post was edited, but I can't check that.

Can't give a vote yet.


I find this very oddly funny that you say you dont see him on much but you're not very active yourself, i'd give you a A:4

117097_101.png While this is not perfectly active, I'm still pretty active.

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Well i maybe seen you once or twice so i cant give you a vote,but i will be changing this post later on, when i see you enough.

Now Dashie, JWB did make a post in hello/ good bye section saying he would be inactive because of school. Darkwolf is on Teamspeak in the after noon and comes on for awhile, everytime i go on JB I see xG: DM Soviet Picachu aka Darkwolf or something. Stop thinking you better than everyone when you're a PM and some have been mod or admin for awhile and know what they are doing.



okay so after seeing you on a few more times i believe you deserve a +1, you are active and mature, goold luck on your app


Edit xG:DM <-- fix it to xG: DM gving grade

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Well i maybe seen you once or twice so i cant give you a vote,but i will be changing this post later on, when i see you enough.

Now Dashie, JWB did make a post in hello/ good bye section saying he would be inactive because of school. Darkwolf is on Teamspeak in the after noon and comes on for awhile, everytime i go on JB I see xG: DM Soviet Picachu aka Darkwolf or something. Stop thinking you better than everyone when you're a PM and some have been mod or admin for awhile and know what they are doing.



Edit xG:DM <-- fix it to xG: DM


Don't get me started on you kid, you're a baddie, you think your so cool being a mod, but don't forget that you were a paidmod as well kid. Also your never on CSS and when you are I never see you do anything in your position of rank to be called a good mod. Start getting on more and stop disrespecting us PM's because it gets really out of hand and really annoying and you're not making it any better

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Don't get me started on you kid, you're a baddie, you think your so cool being a mod, but don't forget that you were a paidmod as well kid. Also your never on CSS and when you are I never see you do anything in your position of rank to be called a good mod. Start getting on more and stop disrespecting us PM's because it gets really out of hand and really annoying and you're not making it any better

I am on maybe not 24/7, i am also a mod on dark rp, and cant play both, next i dont feeel like playing JB 24/7 i am on teamspeak and play other games with kirito and others. you are calling me kid when we are almost the same age gg, i was a paid mod just like you but i got promoted and i do my job, i am also searching forums and shit happens but its always my fault that i didnt see a freekill or anything. Stop bitching and complaining that i dont to anything, the only reason why you got paid mod was because darkwolf put in a good word for you.

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Ik that

Then why the fuck are you arguing with him? If you understand that he has another division that he has to be active on, then you clearly know that being in a staff position on two divisions will decrease the amount of time you can dedicate to one certain division.


your position of rank to be called a good mod.

And don't act like you're so high and mighty RainbowDashie, what SuperKiller said was true. You've been in a paid staff position for less than a month, yet you act like you are a veteran mod/admin. SuperKiller was just vouching for DarkWolf, he wasn't insulting you he was just telling the truth. You (and another PM, who I think we all know who it is) act much higher up than you actually are.

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Ik that

Then why the fuck are you arguing with him? If you understand that he has another division that he has to be active on, then you clearly know that being in a staff position on two divisions will decrease the amount of time you can dedicate to one certain division.


your position of rank to be called a good mod.

And don't act like you're so high and mighty RainbowDashie, what SuperKiller said was true. You've been in a paid staff position for less than a month, yet you act like you are a veteran mod/admin. SuperKiller was just vouching for DarkWolf, he wasn't insulting you he was just telling the truth. You (and another PM, who I think we all know who it is) act much higher up than you actually are.


We don't act like we're higher than anyone, it is called doing our job because most of you are lazy

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