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Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

-=XEC:A=- Jericho

Steam ID:



Ok... I have recently been on the server and I just realized that I was banned for a week on CT... I understand the situation, and What happened was completely unintentional and not me. When the incident took place I had a friend trying the game out and he didn't necessarily know the rules, and when the T's charged him he kinda panicked. Now most of xG knows me, and you know for a fact that I would not just randomly riot freekill..! Atleast I hope not. Now when that happened I was kicked from game completely, which was my computer (Its been acting up recently, trying to get it fixed btw) I felt really bad, and I knew I most likely got banned, and so I checked and saw it was for 2 days.. Even though it wasn't necessarily My Fault. I still took it and went with the ban for 2 days because I could of kept watch and made sure the incident took place.


Now as I said. Most of xG knows me, I am one of the guys that plays on the server ALOT, I am even a part of your steam group, and you know I just got done saving one of my XEC members (Though is ban was from mere stupidity..) And I made sure he understood the rules, and I understand them as well.


So I went to check and see if my 2 day ban was over, and I noticed that it went from 2 days... to a week...


I would like to know why and if possible I would appreciate it if it would be dealt with.


Thank you


-=XEC:A=- Jericho

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@@DarkWolf6052 was the one who added a week, lets see what he says.


Assuming it was an intentional freekill, and you disconnected, a week ban is a blessing here. -1 for unban, a week isn't too bad.

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yea your "friend" did it sure. And my friend is the queen of england, just wait it out, its only 1 week


Yes my friend did it, he saw what I was playing and he wanted to try it out.. The fact that you are assuming that I am lying I take offense to! And I do not appreciate, especially me (A person who has been playing with xG for a long time now!!)


Assuming it was an intentional freekill, and you disconnected, a week ban is a blessing here. -1 for unban, a week isn't too bad.


And I understand where this is coming from, I have seen players do this a lot in my administrating years.. But the fact that I was disconnected was because the game crashed on me. My computer is running on a low Mem card, which means it can only take a certain amount of Data. The game crashed because there was a lot going on, it happens a lot when I play. I apologize if it looked like I was trying to run from the situation, but that is not what was occurring.

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Wow.. Ok you know what.. Fine you can keep the ban Idc any more.. I am not appreciating the disrespect this clan brings to XEC and my members, especially me as their Leader! I am officially Banning all XEC members from xG. I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...

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Wow.. Ok you know what.. Fine you can keep the ban Idc any more.. I am not appreciating the disrespect this clan brings to XEC and my members, especially me as their Leader! I am officially Banning all XEC members from xG. I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...

dude your over reacting. its just we heard "O my friend did it. he didn't know what he was doing." so many times that its insane. look what i'm trying to say is that you maybe totally right... its just so hard to beileve now a days

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I understand.. But I have put up with this too much.. so the 'Over reacting" is necessary. I have been playing for xG for a long time now, and the fact that I am being called a liar, upsets me.. I stated that I understand what the situation looked like, and then I told you what was really going on. But it appears that it doesn't matter, I am still going to get the disrespect, so until it ends you will see no more of XEC... For proof when PornHub Joins your clan, He will be removed from ours! no acceptions..


Do what you wish..

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I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...

Ha that clan got pissed of at every little thing. I would know since I was with them 3 years ago. You are comparing us to a clan thats pay to join then god help us all.

That's a little strange that not only was your freind playing but your computer "had issues" causing your game to crash. 0 from me

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For proof when PornHub Joins your clan, He will be removed from ours!

ok great, we don't allow double-clanning anyway, so he would have had to leave XEC if he wanted to join xG. Your excuses are all very convenient for your cause, aren't they? The moment after you freekilled, your game crashed. Not only that, but you didn't even do it, it was your friend who was playing jailbreak and you decided to not fill him in on any of the rules apparently, or even warn anyone in-game that your game may crash unexpectedly. Unless you have phyisical proof that your game crashed moments after you freekilled, I'm -1 ing.

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Wow.. Ok you know what.. Fine you can keep the ban Idc any more.. I am not appreciating the disrespect this clan brings to XEC and my members, especially me as their Leader! I am officially Banning all XEC members from xG. I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...


I verbally laughed at this, until you posted this piece here, nobody at all disrespected you, you presented a convenient excuse that so many have tried to use (falsely) before you. it's like the excuse of "my dog ate it" or "my little brother shat on it" for your homework, unless you have some VERY LEGITIMATE proof of this, you're SoL on it. it's no way meant to "disrespect" you, but rather to enforce our rules. we have no problem banning you, or people from other communities, just like we have no problem banning our own members when they break rules.

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Wow.. Ok you know what.. Fine you can keep the ban Idc any more.. I am not appreciating the disrespect this clan brings to XEC and my members, especially me as their Leader! I am officially Banning all XEC members from xG. I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...


I really don't understand this disrepect you keep speaking of. To be quite honest you are lucky you are not server banned too. An almost mass freekill and then leave. I was on at the time and he was standing on the spary that T's were going to and as the T's approached he sprayed into the stack killed two t's and damaged many more until I stabbed him in the back. I was at 14 hp and there is nothing that would change my mind into +1ing a shorten ban request.


btw -1

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I understand.. But I have put up with this too much.. so the 'Over reacting" is necessary. I have been playing for xG for a long time now, and the fact that I am being called a liar, upsets me.. I stated that I understand what the situation looked like, and then I told you what was really going on. But it appears that it doesn't matter, I am still going to get the disrespect, so until it ends you will see no more of XEC... For proof when PornHub Joins your clan, He will be removed from ours! no acceptions..


Do what you wish..


1) You broke server rules. It doesn't matter how long you played on xG, or who you are, rules are rules.

2) Even if your "IRL" friend did it (which I doubt you have any with your attitude) it's still your account so you're liable.

3) No one is disrespecting your clan members, you're just hutt burt. If you truly are leading "XEC" (I have not a single clue what the fuck that is) you represent them like brats who act up when they don't get something. I think it's best you keep them off xG servers anyways, saves the staff from dealing with babies.\.


Good riddance, I hope you don't come back.

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