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Most of the admins on the servers do their job, and they do it good, but I have something to say. If you are the only admin on, please do not tab out when you die. If there are 2+ admins go for it and tab out, but people mass freekill and break the rules and you guys don't see it. That's my rant, thankyou gg

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I try not to do that chuck, anyway that is true for some of us, (#weneedmoremods) like @@DarkWolf6052 does it sometimes.

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Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

I'm tired of you.

Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.

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Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

I'm tired of you.

Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.


First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

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Ok to clarify i DID NOT say he tabs out a lot, but he does SOMETIMES, i do it almost as much as dark, that or im getting food cuz im fat (I'm liek chrono of fuck), anyway if it is a freeslay just tell the admin why you think it was a freeslay and don't be like minecrack and make a whole report abuse on ONE freeslay, I like you chuck you're awesome just don't take things out of porpotion, #letsnotmakethisaflamethreadggnore

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Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

I'm tired of you.

Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.


First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

You sure act like a kid sometimes, getting mad at admins doing their job.

I wasn't tabbed out this time. I was watching. You had not announced you were rebel hunting. You told the other CT to watch the Ts, then left to rebel hunt. Even IF I do tab out, I have it set so I can still hear in game sounds when minimized. CS:S is always in Windowed mode so I can get back easily either way.

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Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

I'm tired of you.

Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.


First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

You sure act like a kid sometimes, getting mad at admins doing their job.

I wasn't tabbed out this time. I was watching. You had not announced you were rebel hunting. You told the other CT to watch the Ts, then left to rebel hunt. Even IF I do tab out, I have it set so I can still hear in game sounds when minimized. CS:S is always in Windowed mode so I can get back easily either way.


Stop with the kid shit, goddamn get over your old age fucker. Forget about the slay i don't care about it.

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