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Csgo ban time reductions in general

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We should have the bans reduced to lesser times (like mass free-killing is a ban for a week if they leave or if they stay, swapped, and slay for x amount of rounds). The server jb server has been really empty for weeks, pretty much. Gmod had the same problem, so they reduced times and it somewhat helped. I don't know if this would be a major fix, it might not even affect anything since most people dont even join anymore since its usually empty.


#we should have late night csgo jb days

these pictures totes mean im super cereal






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Longer ban times should be reserved for disrespect, hacking, and Purple. I think the main problem is that admins don't immediately slay or ct ban someone when an offense occurs and that allows people to continue to break rules and leads to a bigger offense. So I feel like we should have more enforcement of the rules and lesser punishments. Also unban LQ

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As with many other threads, it's not an issue with ban times that leads to an empty server. You just need dedicated players/members to spend time on it late at night to gather more people. You have to do it in consecutive nights, not just one night. It's a lot of work, and requires a lot of patience as well as time I'm afraid :Old Man:

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As with many other threads, it's not an issue with ban times that leads to an empty server. You just need dedicated players/members to spend time on it late at night to gather more people. You have to do it in consecutive nights, not just one night. It's a lot of work, and requires a lot of patience as well as time I'm afraid :Old Man:

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Why the fuck would you reduce the ban? We need to be more strict on this, I know I regularly freekill Penguin, not maliciously but if you know the rules like Purple and have been around for a while, why the fuck should we be lenient with you?

(Btw, I don't mean to derail the thread, just using this as an example).

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Also, if we did happen to reduce it to maybe a week or whatever, people would still be asking for an unban, or another reduction which turns this into an endless cycle of pointless decisions. I suggest you just keep it the same. The scarce amount of players on the server isn't due to the rare permanent bans sanctioned to those who can't adhere to rules; people are just busy or have become uninterested, unbanning the idiots is the most retarded, ludicrous, nonsensical, moronic, imbecilic and simpleminded idea ever to be thought of.

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It's not even about reducing ban times, it's about being less ban happy when new people come in. Instead of telling them to go read the rules and banning them instantly, tell them what they did wrong and swap them to T so they can learn. Might just be that they played another JB server with different rules and made a mistake because of what they thought was right. Just use your brain(not you corvo) and come to a sensible judgement instead of sticking so tightly to the rules and then we can have a bit of fun on JB.

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A sensible judgement would to be enforce the rules. If you don't stick so tightly to the rules, don't penalize the people who break them so harshly then.

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A sensible judgement would to be enforce the rules. If you don't stick so tightly to the rules, don't penalize the people who break them so harshly then.


The thread is about reducing ban times to try to get more new people to stay, not about people who have been playing here for months who are well aware of rules. Pretty much no one actually spends time reading through the rules anyway when they first join and that's pretty evident. To get people to stay you have to be slightly more lenient than the regulars because no one wants to stay on a server where someone bans you the second you come in.

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Forest said it perfectly. Though, in regards to the late night jailbreak, im fine with you being more lenient on the rules. Let me make this clear though.



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Forest said it perfectly. Though, in regards to the late night jailbreak, im fine with you being more lenient on the rules. Let me make this clear though.



so i can abuse vote?

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Forest said it perfectly. Though, in regards to the late night jailbreak, im fine with you being more lenient on the rules. Let me make this clear though.



so i can abuse vote?



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