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Harsher Punishments For Intentional Malicious Freekills

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I am proposing harsher punishment for intentional malicious freekills.


I am not referring to accidentally killing someone or purposely killing a friend if they don't mind.


I am referring to when someone purposely kills another player because he/she doesn't like them. Such as if someone was being annoying or had an annoying voice.


I believe the current system of slaying yourself and/or 60 minute CT ban is not harsh enough.



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-1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair


there are some people who do it quite frequently

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1 freekill (Intentional, otherwise it's a slay)/ 60 mins (Apparently)

2 freekills/ 1 day (1440 minutes)

3 freekills/ Permanent (0 minutes).

Seems fair enough right now.

-1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair


there are some people who do it quite frequently

If they are just freekilling just to.... freekill, and intentionally break rules constantly just to get slain repetitively and not get banned, Then they will be teambanned soon enough if the staff feels it is proper to do so considering the persons' actions.

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Well then the time is increased from 1 hour

I have never seen anyone banned for 1 freekill for more than an hour no matter how many times they have been ct banned

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Well then the time is increased from 1 hour

I have never seen anyone banned for 1 freekill for more than an hour no matter how many times they have been ct banned

One INTENTIONAL freekill is an hour, not just 1 accidental freekill. Most intentional freekills are friendly and the other person doesn't care, if you care tell the admin on at the time to CT ban him.

I think admins should take into account the number of times the player has been previously ct banned for freekills to determine their current ban length

We'd then have to go through source bans and find every ban they have, it'd take too long.

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Dat triple post?

Kept giving me a java script error when I tried posting, so I clicked It a few more times then they all posted at the same time >·>

I know, I was getting a javascript when i tried to rate you and it only appeared when i refreshed the page...

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-1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair

There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it.

I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have.


I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills.

2 freekills = Day teamban

1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day.

For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety

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