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Another Raffle?

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Well i thought about this and thought why don't we have another raffle to get some more funds for xG? You know pay for some coders to finish hub,Improve the website etc... There will be 3 winners of this raffle. And each one can choose 1 of the 3 games listed below.




Command/Conquer:Red Alert 3

DeadSpace 3 (note you need to download Origin for this one)



To enter you must donate at least $5 USD. for every multiple of 5 you donate the more times your name is put into the hat. But you can only win once.


Just make an application similar to this

Forum Name:

Amount donating:


Good luck you baddies.

~Astrea the eater of Rice Balls

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why would you donate for those to get only a chance at only 1 when you can get all of them (and more) for the same amount of money?


cuz it goes to a good cause

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