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Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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i already did this yesterday but its kinda gone.



Hella used the !cash command giving everyone on the server 30000, enough for a large bomb

Further Information:

@@GanjaMonster @@Hellafun13 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052


people you could ask: uni-tato, ismoketoomuchweed

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Once again, +1. Like I said last time, Forest has explicitly told me (and several other staff members, including DM's) not to ever use !cash @all, even if it's some kind of special day. Unless Forest or Silence made an exception this one time and gave hellafun permission to do this (which I doubt), then this is definite abuse of the !cash command.

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Seeing this, +1.

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I asked Gkoo he didn't respond and I asked John and he agreed that if I do a !vote and if people say yes which there was probably only 1 or 2 people saying no that I would be able to do !cash @all that's all I have to say.

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Oh and that pic of me doing it 3 times was just seeing if it gave dead people cash which it didn't reason being doing it seconds later cause there was a new round.

@all means everyone on the server, ya derp

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Oh and that pic of me doing it 3 times was just seeing if it gave dead people cash which it didn't reason being doing it seconds later cause there was a new round.

Why does it even matter if it gives dead people cash or not, considering you even typed @all. :I

(Also i'm pretty sure you can use @dead if @all doesn't work on dead people.)

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I asked Gkoo he didn't respond and I asked John and he agreed that if I do a !vote and if people say yes which there was probably only 1 or 2 people saying no that I would be able to do !cash @all that's all I have to say.


Fun commands were re-added apparently. Do not use these commands on anyone or you will be demoted. It is perfectly ok with me though if you ONLY use them on yourself, so long as it does not interfere with the game.


Talk about the definition of stupid....


Also.... to say that by doing a vote you are allowed to do this cmd is extremely ignorant... as ~2/3 of the server is T... and why would any T vote no.... not to mention accounting for 1 spam....


+1 spank Hella for doing this

+1 demote John to "paid stupido" cause he's dumb and said it was ok

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