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Nbkiller - Counter-strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

mass freekill


Sorry I don't really understand how to use demos so it might be a bit long but he freekills 5 people at the end of it.


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5:48 in the Demo is the round it happens. No orders were given when cells were open, thus an Invalid Freeday.


First two were killed for pursuing offending CT. Both Freekilled.


Third was killed (had a primary unholstered and reloading, and although the player was not shown, you can clearly hear the reloading of a P90 so it can be assumed it was out. With that in mind, if you were to play the clip and watch the round time, there is 2 seconds between the first sound of the reloading weapon and the first view of the player with the gun out.) MoTD states that if a Terrorist has a weapon out for more than 2 seconds, they are KoS. With the information gathered here, this was not a freekill and was justified.


Fourth was freekilled for pursuing offending CT. Freekilled.


In total, there were three freekills during one round which amounts to a mass freekill, regardless of whether the offending CT was in confusion or not, an intentional three freekills is an intentional mass freekill. +1 for a permanent CT ban.

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After reading Forest's post, I watched the demo.

As far as I know it was a mass freekill and the offender has been permanently banned from ct as a result.

And now, this thread is no longer needed. Thanks.


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