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Darktemplar / Apollo Λ - Counter-strike: Source

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I agree this guy has been starting arguments with mods and I was arguing with him. +1 This guy deserves a ban for being disrespectful, racist, and just rude

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In regards to darktemplar:+1. Spammed and yelled in his mic constantly, was rude when asked to stop by players, when a mod came on tried to argue the rules (rather disrespectfully).

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Thank you guys for actually acknowledging this post. They were being extremely annoying and I wish I would have gotten a demo of darktemplar arguing with Solo and just being all around annoying then rage-quitting because he kept getting rekt hardcore

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+1 rood, rood, and more rood. Bonk is the most disrespectful player on the servers and should be banned immediately. wait are we talking about dark? k. from what I've heard about before i got on he and others were racist annoying. after i got on he didn't seem too bad, but did argue with mods (just like parents he was explaining his case and the peoples called it arguing so he started to argue about that.) all I know is in my opinion when i was on he wasn't mic spamming but talking to various people one after another, then those people accused him of mic spam so he gave them the definition of mic spamming and argued which they counted as mic spamming cuz they continued the conversation. still +1 and i may be a little ignorant was a little out of it that night

as i am a little right now.

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