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Question Game

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A. Fly, It would be awesome.

Q.Would you rather be immortal, but always feel sick and miserable, or have a short life but it would be amazing

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A: Right after I take my daily dose of 420

Q: Are jokes about forest being the eternal co leader abused like hell on the forums

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A: Because I'm a magical fudgeing girl


Q: Who smells worse Teezar or Shadowspy?

A: Neither the real choice is Barmithian.

Q: Explain love in 3 sentences

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Ok. this one is easy.


Makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Is there for the good and the bad/puts up with your annoying habits and you with theirs. Makes you cum and vice versa.


Q: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

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Ok. this one is easy.


Makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Is there for the good and the bad/puts up with your annoying habits and you with theirs. Makes you cum and vice versa.


Q: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


A: 4


Q: When is hub coming out?

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A: lee will flex when @Nomulous finishes hub in 5 min


Q: If you could pick between hub in 5 min or hub in 5 minutes, which, and why? @Bleed

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