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Tf2 Pug Thread

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Hey everyone, this is going to be a thread for setting up a fun (hopefully monthly) PUG for xG members.


Four rules:

  1. It's a game. Have fun.
  2. It's fine to trashtalk and stuff, but don't disrespect/follow the general MOTD rules.
  3. Keep in your team's assigned teamspeak channel. If you don't, you may end up getting kicked from the PUG and/or banned from all future PUGs.
  4. Item restrictions/rules will be added with each game. Check them in case you make the cutoff.

How it works:

Post in this thread, following the form that's at the end of the post. First come, first serve. I'll make the teams randomly, and after I edit in the teams, @DrLee can hopefully close it.

Add me on Steam and/or send me a test message to make sure I can send you your teamspeak room/team/time assignment, along with the server IP, which will be reserved via serveme.tf and set up by me.

Be there at the right time. If you might not make it, try to find a sub. Just in case, 2-5 subs per team will be accepted.

Nearly forgot, but your steam account must be in good standing (no VAC or overwatch bans). If me or one of the people I trust with this sorta thing spectate you at any time (before or during the match) and see you cheating/botting (regardless of game), your post will be ignored, and you will not be notified until your name doesn't make the cut.


Cheaters Flagged: 1


Current Format


(Max Subs: 5 per team)



Bootie Time

Jingle Belt

Holiday Punch

Pomson 6000

Short Circuit

Wrangler (Circumstantially banned in KOTH/5CP)


Bazaar Bargain

Darwin's Danger Shield





All interactive taunts. (Laugh/Individual taunts are fine)


Example of filled form (copy the one below this)

Class: Scout

Preferred Team: Blue

Steam URL: Steam Community :: [xG] Izanagi/

Hours Played in TF2: 2,439

Hours Played as Class: 107, probably 200-300+ before I wiped my stats a year back.

Willing to sub: Yes

Time Zone: EST



Preferred Team:

Steam URL:

Hours Played in TF2:

Hours Played as Class:

Willing to sub:

Time Zone:

Server IP/Source TV: TBA

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Tagging a bunch of potentials: @kbraszzz @Barmithian @Insane @alphapie @John_Madden @ShockeDeel @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Maymalays @ThePenguin (first time I ever thought of w+m1 medic :p), @MuffinMonster @Docterlat_ @Brian (Community game, so I think you won't mind) @Moosty @BelloWaldi @Kittylicious @FoRgE @SyrJirk @Liekos @Gwoash @TheTheRejects @Hachi @TwoZeroFour @SirTurdle @Mr.Fink @Kypari @Muzzle @solidsnake1171 @Kart @Boswer_jr @Swift @Djdjdj8656

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Class: Pyro

Peferred team: red

Steam URL: I'll edit later ;P

Tf2 hours: 1200+

Class hours: 100+ (? I really don't know)

Willing to sub: surrrrrrre.

Time zone: help idk. HELP.

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