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Goat Sim Giveaway 2.0

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Entry 3


An archeologist who goes by the name Rien P.P Toucherlikesanus had found an relic from around 0 F.F. (The 0th year, stands for "Following [the] @Forest Fire). He had unearthed what was never to be shined upon daylight. Something that would restart the order of things.


[insert link doing the chest opening noise thing here]


Except instead of finding some awesome item, he had found an hourglass. Following in his usual self of "How bad could it be?", he had flipped the hourglass to let the sand flow downwards once more.


And so, time was once more reset, and it was 2014 again.

It was all about to happen just once more. rip in peace everyone.

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In a land far far away there was a magical @Forest. It was said in all the legends that this @Forest held the key to eternal life. Years and years passed as men (not women they had no fukn rights because these were the good days) fought over the sacred @Forest. One day the war suddenly came to and end due to some bombs lighting the @Forest on fire and causing it to burn down to the ground. Anyway to this day people look back on this bombing and forest fire and think "damn, it's difficult breaking up with japanese women cuz you have to drop the bomb twice"



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Entry 1

Once upon a time, There was a tree named forest. He wanted to write a song so badly, he copied The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, but added his own twist to it. He submitted his song to his favorite Goat Simulator giveaway with high hopes. The host said that his song was "3bad5u", and disqualified it. The host then lit the song on fire and tossed it on forest.


Entry 2

Once upon a time, there was a brit named Forrest. He loved playing with fire. One day, he went to a forest. He forgot that he had matches in his pocket. He "accidentally " lit a match. He burned the forest down. As he burned it down, he yelled "Never forget."

Entry 3

A shady man walked up to me. He looked at me and said "If you burn down this forest and write about it on an internet forum, ill give you a chance at getting Goat Simulator." I've been trying to win goat simulator all of my life. I went to my nearest forest with a fire in my left hand, I threw the fire down, yelling "GOAT SIMULATOR IS LOVE, GOAT SIMULATOR IS LIFE." Shortly after, i was told that the giveaway was rigged. I walked away mumbling, "Never forget."

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@KendrickLlama warrior is a nigger and already had goat sim from last giveaway so he got a shitty game like roller coaster tycoon. message me if you want it

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