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Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.

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Agreed. We don't want another "Darkwolf relying on @Warriorsfury " relationship do we? ;)


In all seriousness though, I feel like some of the content here may contradict other rules (correct me if I'm wrong) found in the "General" list of rules that involves mic spamming, cheating/exploiting, etc.


I'm still fucking pissed about that. He should have gotten demoted not fucking me.

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@metalslug53 forgot to mention that map advertisements for other servers are fine. For example, on neon heights it advertises their server because the map maker made it for neon heights. However, the map is extremely popular with people and it just reeally gives credit to the map maker. This sort of advertisement is fine

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Are you guys going to at least try to consult @Rejects about anything? You guys have been doing a lot of stuff in the past week and nothing has been said to the OG DM. Please try to make some effort to include him in some projects. I understand we all live in diff time zones, But it's not like he can't read a PM on steam or the forums..

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One of the main reasons that Silence even brought Moosty and myself up to DM was to lighten the workload. The TF2 division isn't going to implode on itself if I finish a project and don't directly involve the other two DMs 100% of the time. Chillax guys.

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Are you guys going to at least try to consult @Rejects about anything? You guys have been doing a lot of stuff in the past week and nothing has been said to the OG DM. Please try to make some effort to include him in some projects. I understand we all live in diff time zones, But it's not like he can't read a PM on steam or the forums..

this was made in 1 day at 12 AM and after that we uploaded it onto the tf2 discussion so we had no way of contacting him, also i'm sure the others contacted him. Relax.

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this was made in 1 day at 12 AM and after that we uploaded it onto the tf2 discussion so we had no way of contacting him, also i'm sure the others contacted him. Relax.

I'm more then relaxed (about this situation at least). I just think it's pretty unfair that there is no effort to make contact with him. I mean, yeah if he's offline, he's offline. Or if he's busy, he's busy. You guys could at least shoot him a message saying something like "hey we're changing this this and this let us know if you got anything you wanna add/change" He dose not have to reply right away but you should at least try to let him contribute. :/

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this was made in 1 day at 12 AM and after that we uploaded it onto the tf2 discussion so we had no way of contacting him, also i'm sure the others contacted him. Relax.

I'm more then relaxed (about this situation at least). I just think it's pretty unfair that there is no effort to make contact with him. I mean, yeah if he's offline, he's offline. Or if he's busy, he's busy. You guys could at least shoot him a message saying something like "hey we're changing this this and this let us know if you got anything you wanna add/change" He dose not have to reply right away but you should at least try to let him contribute. :/

You know what sounds like a good idea?

Letting him give his opinion on the thread.


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I'm more then relaxed (about this situation at least). I just think it's pretty unfair that there is no effort to make contact with him. I mean, yeah if he's offline, he's offline. Or if he's busy, he's busy. You guys could at least shoot him a message saying something like "hey we're changing this this and this let us know if you got anything you wanna add/change" He dose not have to reply right away but you should at least try to let him contribute. :/


This is literally NOT a post that is changing anything. All it is for is to be used as a guide for the Mods and Admins to reference to in the event that they do not know how to handle a situation.


It literally does NOT need the entire DM staff to be working on it. It isn't changing anything. Business continues as usual. We're just conglomerating all of this information in one location so others have a place to look in the event that something happens and one of our staff doesn't know how to deal with it. That's all. It's to make things neat and tidy and easy to navigate, especially for new mods so the DMs aren't constantly bombarded with questions on how to handle rulebreakers. THAT'S ALL.


Rejects is not barred from helping. If he wants to contribute, he is more than welcome to do so. Everyone's acting like we excluded him from some huge important project, but nothing like that is going on. If anything, this is grunt work that was given to Vector and myself by Silence to help make things a bit easier to figure out in the event that a DM is unavailable for comment.


Why is everyone turning it into this big production? I seriously do not understand what the big deal is. Seriously, stop blowing this out of proportion. Things can be changed and added. Nothing is being put into concrete. Nothing is final. It's a living document that will grow and be added to when certain scenarios are met and handled. We just wanted extra communinty input to the matter, so that we could cover any bases that we missed, but if all we're going to get is "WHY DIDN'T YOU CONSULT THE OTHER DM'S" then I'll just close the thread and finish it myself without any input. It's really disheartening to ask the community for input, only to be lashed for doing what Silence asked me to do.


Please, everyone, chill the hell out. It REALLY isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. =/

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to ask the community for input, only to be lashed

Welcome to XenoGamers, where 99.9% of threads derail within moments of them being put up.


In all seriousness though, just to be clear (and to prevent further confusion from people), you may want to edit out the "Rules" part of the second quotation below if this is in fact, only a guide:

Please stop referring to it as a rules list.

xG TF2 Trade Server Rules and Guidelines

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In all seriousness though, just to be clear (and to prevent further confusion from people), you may want to edit out the "Rules" part of the second quotation below if this is in fact, only a guide:


Excellent. Some actual tangible advice. Thanks for that. It's been corrected. :D

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Sorry if this has already been posted, in on my mobile and sick but do you know when more server specific guidelines will appear, like JB and VSH? Im sure i had an argument with someone on Jb for doing something that i thought was against the rules but couldn't find anything saying that it was. ( I cant remember what or who i was arguing about and with. Ill remember eventually, like 6 years in the future)

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