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Time To Move On

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@Tsuchikure got my answer mostly right, the real super secret project is going to be done (soon^tm) and myself working basically full time and moving up in the kitchen is sucking most of my hours of the day away my few days off is out with le gf or playing a simple online game with friends (gta league arma wow) or now to be filled with copious amounts of alcohol. also, niggers.

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@Tsuchikure got my answer mostly right, the real super secret project is going to be done (soon^tm) and myself working basically full time and moving up in the kitchen is sucking most of my hours of the day away my few days off is out with le gf or playing a simple online game with friends (gta league arma wow) or now to be filled with copious amounts of alcohol. also, africans.

Where dafuq is my pass to Disneyworld.

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